【大家说英语】 第403期:世界各地的美味(在线收听

   Are you hungry? Do you want a snack? 你饿了吗?你想吃些点心吗?

  Do you always eat the same kind of snack? 你经常吃同一种点心吗?
  Maybe you can try something new. 也许你可以尝试些新东西。
  Around the world, different people eat different snacks. Let's look at some of them. 在世界上,不同的人吃不同的点心。让我们看看其中的一些吧。
  Do you like French fries? In Canada, a favorite snack is poutine. 你喜欢薯条吗?在加拿大,深受人们喜爱的一种点心叫poutine。
  Poutine is made with French fries, cheese and gravy. It is yummy.  poutine是由薯条、奶酪和肉汁制成的。非常美味。
  There are a lot of interesting snacks in Europe. 欧洲有许多有意思的点心。
  You can have stroopwafels in the Netherlands. 你可以在荷兰吃到荷兰松饼。
  Stroopwafels are two cookies with syrup between them. They are nice and sweet. 荷兰松饼是在两片饼干之间夹着糖汁。味道很好,很甜。
  In Germany, you can try sausages. 在德国,你可以试一下香肠。
  Many countries have sausages. But German sausages are famous. 许多国家都有香肠。但是德国香肠很出名。
  There are over 1500 different kinds of sausages in Germany. 在德国有超过1500种香肠。
  You can try one -- or more than one! 你可以试试其中的一种,或者很多种。
  There are many delicious snacks in Asia. 亚洲有许多美味的点心。
  In India, you can try samosas. 在印度,你可以尝尝萨莫萨三角饺。
  They are like dumplings, but they are fried or baked. 这种食物看起来像饺子一样,但是是油炸或烤制的。
  Some samosas have meat inside them. 一些萨莫萨三角饺里有肉。
  Others have potatoes, vegetables or noodles. 另外一些的里面则是土豆、蔬菜或者面条。
  In Japan, people eat senbei. These are Japanese rice crackers. 在日本,人们会吃仙贝。这是一种日本的米果。
  They come in many different sizes and flavors. 有不同的尺寸和口味。
  Try a new snack today! There are so many delicious ones. 今天就试试一种新点心吧!有很多美味的点心哦!