【大家说英语】 第405期:蒂娜的困扰(在线收听

   I am eating at a restaurant called Tina's Treats. 我在一家名叫蒂娜美食馆的饭店吃饭。

  I taste my food, I don't like it. The sauce tastes horrible. It is too sweet. 我尝了我的食物,我不喜欢。酱汁的口味很糟糕。实在是太甜了。
  I call Tina, and she comes over to me. 我把蒂娜叫了过来,她来到了我的身旁。
  She is the cook. She begins to cry. 她是厨师。她开始哭了起来。
  "Another problem with my food? “我的食物又有问题了吗?
  This can't be happening to me! I was the best cook in my family!" she cries. 这种情况不可能发生在我身上!我是我们家族最好的厨师!”她哭道。
  "But now my food is too sweet or has too much salt. “但是现在我的食物不是太甜就是太咸。
  Everyone is going to my sister's restaurant next door," she says. 所有人都去了旁边我妹妹的饭店。”她说道。
  I look in her kitchen. I try the salt, and it tastes like sugar. 我到了她的厨房看了看。我尝了一下盐,味道很像糖。
  I try the sugar, and it tastes like salt. 我又尝了一下糖,味道很像盐。
  "Someone switched your salt and sugar. I'll be back, Tina," I say. 我说:“有人把你的盐和糖换了。我马上回来,蒂娜。”
  Then I go next door. 然后我去了隔壁。
  "One more customer! Welcome to Gina's Restaurant!" Tina's sister Gina says. 蒂娜的妹妹吉娜说道:“又一位顾客!欢迎来到吉娜的饭店。”
  I order some spaghetti. Gina brings the dish to me. I try it. 我点了意大利面。吉娜给我上了菜,然后我尝了尝。
  "This dish is too sweet!" I say. 我说:“这道菜太甜了!”
  Gina is surprised. She goes to the kitchen.  吉娜很吃惊。然后她去了后厨。
  I follow and watch her. She tastes the salt and the sugar. 我跟在后面看着她。她尝了盐和糖。
  "Nothing should be wrong," she says. 她说:“没出什么问题啊。”
  "Maybe the food is OK," I say. "But something is wrong." 我说:“食物可能没问题。但是有些事有问题。”