【大家说英语】 第407期:时间安排(2)(在线收听

   Are Susie and Rob available to go bowling on Saturday afternoon? 周六下午,苏西和罗布去打保龄球吗?

  I asked them. Then they asked about the time. What time are we going? 我问他们了。然后他们询问了时间。我们要什么时候去?
  How about 1 p.m.? 下午一点怎么样?
  They're busy then. Can we go another time? 那时候他们在忙。我们能换一个时间去吗?
  Sure. What about 3 p.m.? That works for me. 当然。下午3点怎么样?我那个时间可以。
  That's OK for me, too. I'll check with Rob and Susie. 我也没问题。我去和罗布和苏西商量一下。
  Can you record before your meeting with Carol? 你可以和卡罗尔开会之前录影吗?
  Yes. Who is recording on Tuesday morning? 可以。周二上午是谁在录影?
  Ben is on the schedule. He is recording from 10 to 12 o'clock on Tuesday. 日程表上是本。他在周二的10点到12点录影。
  Perhaps I can ask him to record in the afternoon. 也许我可以请他下午录影。
  That's a good idea. You can trade. Then you can record in the morning. 这个主意不错。你们可以交换一下。这样你就能在上午录了。
  I can ask him today at lunch. 我今天中午吃午饭的时候问问他。
  Great! 太好了!
  I know my cousin's birthday, now. 我现在知道我表兄的生日了。
  When is it? 是什么时候?
  It's September 20. 9月20日。
  Hey, that's my grandmother's birthday! 嗨,那天是我祖母的生日!
  Really! How old will she be this year? 真的啊!她今年多大岁数了?
  She'll be 90 this year. And her health is very good. 她今年90了。她的健康状况很好。
  She's lucky. Will she have a birthday party? 她真幸运。她会有一场生日派对吗?
  I don't know. It's not scheduled. But if she does, I'll go! 我不知道。目前还没有排定。但是如果她要办,我会去的!