【大家说英语】 第409期:学校开学了!(2)(在线收听

   Did you see all the kids going to school this morning? 你今天早上看到所有孩子们都去上学了吗?

  I did. The traffic was terrible. 我看到了。交通太拥堵了。
  Well, many parents drive their kids to school. 恩,许多父母开车送他们的孩子去的学校。
  I had to walk to school every day rain or shine. 我以前不管是下雨还是晴天,每天都走着去上学。
  No one drove me to school, either. 也没有人开车送我去上学。
  Some kids rode the school bus. 有些孩子会搭乘校车。
  Yes. But they lived far from school. 是的。但是他们都住得离学校很远。
  Alex, what was your favorite subject in school? 阿莱克斯,你在学校最喜欢的学科是什么?
  That's easy -- recess! 很简单,课间休息!
  No, really. What class did you like? 别开玩笑。你最喜欢的课程是什么?
  I really liked choir in high school. I love music. 我在高中时候很喜欢合唱。我喜欢音乐。
  Me, too. I played the flute in the band. 我也是。我在乐队当中吹笛子。
  Did your band perform a lot? 你们的乐队经常演出吗?
  Yes, we did. And once we traveled to Canada to play. 是的。我们曾经去加拿大演奏过。
  And you had a great time! 你们一定玩儿得很开心!
  Linda! Linda? Linda! 琳达!琳达?琳达!
  What? Sorry, I was thinking about my school days. 怎么了?抱歉,我刚才在想我的学生时代。
  Do you miss school? 你怀念学校吗?
  Not really. But I liked it. All my teachers were wonderful. 并不是。但是我很喜欢学校。我的所有老师都很好。
  All of them? 所有人吗?
  Well, most of them. My chemistry teacher was hard. I didn't get a good grade in his class. 额,大多数吧。我的化学老师很严厉。我在他的课上的成绩不太好。
  But did you learn a lot? 但是你学多了很多东西吗?
  I did. But I didn't like the class! 有。但是我并不喜欢这门课!