英语听书《海底两万里》第258期 第20章 托列斯海峡(5)(在线收听

   The Torres Strait is regarded as no less dangerous for its bristling reefs than for the savage inhabitants of its coasts.  托列斯海峡之所以被认为是很危险的地带,不仅由于有刺猬一般的暗礁,而且由于住在这一带海岸的土人。

  It separates Queensland from the huge island of Papua, also called New Guinea. 托列斯海峡把巴布亚岛(又名新几内亚岛),跟新荷兰岛分开了。
  Papua is 400 leagues long by 130 leagues wide, with a surface area of 40,000 geographic leagues.  已布亚岛长约四百里, 宽约一百三十里,面积约四万平方里。
  It's located between latitude 0 degrees 19' and 10 degrees 2' south, and between longitude 128 degrees 23' and 146 degrees 15'.  它位于南纬0度19分和10度之分,西经128度23分和146度15分之间。
  At noon, while the chief officer was taking the sun's altitude,  正午,船副来测太阳高度的时候,
  I spotted the summits of the Arfak Mountains, rising in terraces and ending in sharp peaks. 我望见阿化斯群山的高峰,一层一层地高起,绝顶是峻峭的山峰。
  Discovered in 1511 by the Portuguese Francisco Serrano, these shores were successively visited by Don Jorge de Meneses in 1526, by Juan de Grijalva in 1527,  这岛于1511年为葡萄牙人佛朗西斯.薛郎诺所发现, 以后接着来的,1526年有唐·约瑟·德·米纳色斯1528年有格利那瓦,
  by the Spanish general Alvaro de Saavedra in 1528, by Inigo Ortiz in 1545, by the Dutchman Schouten in 1616, by Nicolas Sruick in 1753,  1528年有西班牙将军阿尔瓦·德·萨维德拉,1545年有尤哥·奥铁兹,1616年有荷兰人舒田,1753年有尼古拉,苏留克,
  by Tasman, Dampier, Fumel, Carteret, Edwards, Bougainville, Cook, McClure, and Thomas Forrest, by Rear Admiral d'Entrecasteaux in 1792,  塔斯曼,胡每尔,嘉铁列,爱德华、布几威尔、库克、贺列斯特,1792年有当土尔加一斯朵,
  by Louis-Isidore Duperrey in 1823, and by Captain Dumont d'Urville in 1827.  1823年有斗比列,1827年有杜蒙·居维尔。