万物简史 第421期:生命的起源(15)(在线收听

   Bob told me that it takes about seventeen minutes to read one zircon and it is necessary to read dozens from each rock to make the data reliable. 鲍勃对我说,识读一块锆石的数据大约要花17分钟;这了取得可靠的数据,每块锆石你得读上几十遍。

  In practice, the process seemed to involve about the same level of scattered activity, and about as much stimulation, as a trip to a laundromat. 实际上,这个过程似乎与分散进行有着差不多的工作量,差不多的刺激,就像去洗衣店那样。
  Bob seemed very happy, however; but then people from New Zealand very generally do. 然而,鲍勃似乎很快活。实际上,从新西兰来的人似乎都很快活。
  The Earth Sciences compound was an odd combination of things—part offices, part labs, part machine shed. 地球科学系的院子是个古怪的组合——部分是办公室,部分是实验室,部分是仪器间。
  "We used to build everything here," Bennett said. "We even had our own glassblower, but he's retired. “过去什么东西都在里面制造,”她说,“我们甚至有一名自己的吹玻璃工,不过他退休了。
  But we still have two full-time rock crushers." 但我们仍有两名敲石头的正式工。”
  She caught my look of mild surprise. 她发现我脸上露出有点吃惊的神色,
  "We get through a lot of rocks. “我们有大批的石头要敲。
  And they have to be very carefully prepared. 你不得不做非常仔细的准备工作,
  You have to make sure there is no contamination from previous samples—no dust or anything. 确保那些石头没有被先前的样品污染——上面没有灰尘,干干净净。
  It's quite a meticulous process." 这是个相当严谨的过程。”
  She showed me the rock-crushing machines, which were indeed pristine, though the rock crushers had apparently gone for coffee. 她指给我看几台碎石机。那结机器确实很干净,虽然两名碎石工显然是喝咖啡去了。
  Beside the machines were large boxes containing rocks of all shapes and sizes. 碎石机旁边有几个大箱子,里面放着各种形状、各种大小的岩石。
  They do indeed get through a lot of rocks at the ANU. 澳大利亚国立大学确实在处理大批的岩石。
  Back in Bennett's office after our tour, 我们转完以后回到贝内特的办公室,
  I noticed hanging on her wall a poster giving an artist's colorfully imaginative interpretation of Earth as it might have looked 3.5 billion years ago, 我注意到她墙上挂着一幅宣传画,以艺术家的丰富想象力展示了看上去很像是35亿年前的地球。
  just when life was getting going, in the ancient period known to earth science as the Archaean. 当时,生命才刚刚起步。那个古老的年代在地球科学上叫做太古代。
  The poster showed an alien landscape of huge, very active volcanoes, and a steamy, copper-colored sea beneath a harsh red sky.  该画表现了一幅陌生的情景,上面有巨大的活火山,红得刺眼的天空,下面有一个冒着水蒸气的古铜色大海。