英语听书《海底两万里》第300期 第22章 强逼睡眠(5)(在线收听

   For several hours the Nautilus drifted in this brilliant tide, and our wonderment grew when we saw huge marine animals cavorting in it,  诺第留斯号在这种光辉的海波中浮游了好几个钟头,我看见粗大的海中动物,

  like the fire-dwelling salamanders of myth.  像火蛇一样在那里游来游去,
  In the midst of these flames that didn't burn, I could see swift, elegant porpoises, the tireless pranksters of the seas, and sailfish three meters long,  我赞美的情绪更高涨了我看见在那里,在那不发热的火光中间,有许多美观、迅速快走的海猪,这是跑来跑去、不感到疲乏的海中丑角,有许多长三米的剑鱼,
  those shrewd heralds of hurricanes, whose fearsome broadswords sometimes banged against the lounge window.  它们是大风暴要来的先知者,它们的巨大剑锋时常碰在大厅的玻璃上。
  Then smaller fish appeared: miscellaneous triggerfish, leather jacks, unicornfish, and a hundred others that left stripes on this luminous atmosphere in their course. 然后又出现了那些比较小的鱼类,各种形样的箭鱼,跳跃的鳍鱼,人头形样的狼鱼,以及成千成百的其他鱼类,它们奔跑的时候,在这失明的大气中,画成带子一样的条条的花纹。
  Some magic lay behind this dazzling sight! Perhaps some atmospheric condition had intensified this phenomenon? Perhaps a storm had been unleashed on the surface of the waves?  这种光辉夺目的景象真是迷人心神的魔法!是不是空气中的一些变化使这种现象更为加强呢?是不是海波上面发生了风暴呢?
  But only a few meters down, the Nautilus felt no tempest's fury, and the ship rocked peacefully in the midst of the calm waters. 不过在水下几米的深度,诺第留斯号并不感到风暴的怒吼,它和平地在安静的海水中摆来摆去。
  And so it went, some new wonder constantly delighting us.  我们就是这样行驶着,不断为眼前伪新奇景象所陶醉。
  Conseil observed and classified his zoophytes, articulates, mollusks, and fish.  康塞尔仍在观察,他把他的植虫类、节肢类、软体类、鱼类等搬出来加以分类。
  The days passed quickly, and I no longer kept track of them.  日子过得很快,我简直不能计算了。
  Ned, as usual, kept looking for changes of pace from our standard fare.  尼德·兰照他的习惯,总想法子把船上日常的事物变换一下。
  Like actual snails, we were at home in our shell, and I can vouch that it's easy to turn into a full-fledged snail. 我们是真正的蜗牛,在我们壳中住惯了,我同时又要肯定,成为一个完全的蜗牛也并不是很难的事。
  So this way of living began to seem simple and natural to us,  因此,这种生活在我们觉得是很方便,很自然,
  and we no longer envisioned a different lifestyle on the surface of the planet earth, when something happened to remind us of our strange circumstances. 我们并不想象在地球面上还有另一种不同的生活,就在这个时候,发生了一件事情,使我们觉得我们所处地位的离奇古怪。
  On January 18 the Nautilus lay in longitude 105 degrees and latitude 15 degrees south.  1月18日,诺第留斯号到了东经105度和南纬15度的地方。
  The weather was threatening, the sea rough and billowy.  天气很坏,海上险恶,多风浪。
  The wind was blowing a strong gust from the east.  大凤猛烈地从东方吹来。
  The barometer, which had been falling for some days, forecast an approaching struggle of the elements. 风雨表好几天以来就下降了,预告不久将有暴风和雨——海水和空气的恶斗。