英语听书《海底两万里》第326期 第23章 珊瑚王国(23)(在线收听

   We were silent. What was Captain Nemo thinking?  我们沉默不作声,尼摩船长在想什么呢?

  Perhaps that this approaching shore was too close for comfort, contrary to the Canadian's views in which it still seemed too far away.  可能在想现在靠近的陆地,他觉得自己太靠近陆地了,这正跟加拿大人的意见相反,加拿大人却觉得自己跟陆地相距太远了。
  As for Conseil, he had come along out of simple curiosity. 至于康塞尔,他坐在那里什么也不理会,只是看着新鲜。
  Near 5:30 the first glimmers of light on the horizon defined the upper lines of the coast with greater distinctness.  五点半左右,天边刚放出来的曙光把海岸的上层轮廓更清楚地衬托出来。
  Fairly flat to the east, it swelled a little toward the south. Five miles still separated it from us, and its beach merged with the misty waters.  在东边,海岸相当平坦,向南部分又有点突起。我们跟海岸相距还有五英里,它的边岸跟蒙蒙的雾水相混起来。
  Between us and the shore, the sea was deserted. Not a boat, not a diver. Profound solitude reigned over this gathering place of pearl fishermen.  在边岸和我们之间,海上什么也没有,没有一只船,没有一个采珠人。在这采珠人聚会的场所,是沉重的孤寂。
  As Captain Nemo had commented, we were arriving in these waterways a month too soon. 本来尼摩船长已经向我说过,我们到这一带海中来早了一个月。
  At six o'clock the day broke suddenly, with that speed unique to tropical regions, which experience no real dawn or dusk.  六点,天忽然亮了,日夜很快来临是热带地区特有的情形,这些地区是没有晨暖和黄昏的。
  The sun's rays pierced the cloud curtain gathered on the easterly horizon, and the radiant orb rose swiftly. 太阳光线穿过堆在东方天边的云幕,灿烂的红日很快就升起来了。
  I could clearly see the shore, which featured a few sparse trees here and there. 我清楚地看见陆地,稀疏的树木散在各处。
  The skiff advanced toward Mannar Island, which curved to the south. Captain Nemo stood up from his thwart and studied the sea. 小艇向马纳尔岛前进,岛南部渐渐扩大。尼摩船长站起来,看一下海回
  At his signal the anchor was lowered, but its chain barely ran because the bottom lay no more than a meter down,  他点一点头,锚就抛下去了,但铁链只下沉了一点,因为水底只有一米左右深、
  and this locality was one of the shallowest spots near the bank of shellfish. Instantly the skiff wheeled around under the ebb tide's outbound thrust. 这里形成了一处小纹贝礁岩脉突起来的最高峰。小艇受了向大海方面排去的退潮力量,立即转过头来。