英语听书《海底两万里》第327期 第23章 珊瑚王国(24)(在线收听

   Here we are, Professor Aronnax, Captain Nemo then said. You observe this confined bay?  阿龙纳斯先生,我们到了,尼摩船长说,现在您可以看见这狭窄的海湾。

  A month from now in this very place, the numerous fishing boats of the harvesters will gather, and these are the waters their divers will ransack so daringly.  一个月后,就在这个地方,无数珍珠商的采珠船都齐集起来,船中采珠人要大胆去搜索的,也就是这一带的海水。
  This bay is felicitously laid out for their type of fishing.  海湾的地位优良,适合于这类采珠工作。
  It's sheltered from the strongest winds, and the sea is never very turbulent here, highly favorable conditions for diving work.  它躲避了最强烈的风,海面也从没有很汹涌的波浪;对于采珠人的工作,这些都是很有利的条件。
  Now let's put on our underwater suits, and we'll begin our stroll. 现在让我们穿起潜水衣,开始下水游览吧。
  I didn't reply, and while staring at these suspicious waves, I began to put on my heavy aquatic clothes, helped by the longboat's sailors.  我不回答他的话,我眼望着这可疑的海水,小艇中的水手帮着我穿很重的潜水衣。
  Captain Nemo and my two companions suited up as well. None of the Nautilus's men were to go with us on this new excursion. 尼摩船长和我的两个同伴也穿起来。这次旅行,诺第留斯号的船员没有一人陪我们同去。
  Soon we were imprisoned up to the neck in india-rubber clothing, and straps fastened the air devices onto our backs.  不久,我们的身体都装在橡皮胶衣里面,一直套到脖子处,背带也把空气箱绑在背上了。
  As for the Ruhmkorff device, it didn't seem to be in the picture. Before inserting my head into its copper capsule, I commented on this to the captain. 可是我们没有带兰可夫灯。我的头部还没有套进铜帽中的时候,我向船长提出灯的问题。
  Our lighting equipment would be useless to us, the captain answered me.  兰可夫灯对我们没有什么用处,船长回答,
  We won't be going very deep, and the sun's rays will be sufficient to light our way. Besides, it's unwise to carry electric lanterns under these waves.  我们不到很深的地方去,太阳光线就足以给我们引路了。并且,在这里的水底下面带着电光灯也是不妥当的。
  Their brightness might unexpectedly attract certain dangerous occupants of these waterways. 电灯光亮可能意外地惹来这一带海中的危险动物。
  As Captain Nemo pronounced these words, I turned to Conseil and Ned Land.  尼摩船长说这话的时候,我回过头来看康塞尔和尼德·兰,
  But my two friends had already encased their craniums in their metal headgear, and they could neither hear nor reply. 可是这两个朋友已经把脑袋装进金属的球帽里面去了。
  I had one question left to address to Captain Nemo. 他们不能听见,也不能答话。
  What about our weapons? I asked him. Our rifles? 我又向尼摩船长提最后一个问题,我问他:我们的武器呢?我们的枪支呢?