诗翁彼豆故事集 第4期:巫师和跳跳埚(4)(在线收听

   The solution was to jettison the pro-Muggle moral but keep the warty cauldron, so by the middle of the sixteenth century a different version of the tale was in wide circulation among wizarding families. 解决的办法是抛弃亲麻瓜的寓意,保留长满疣的坩埚形象,于是到了十六世纪中期,一个不同的故事版本在巫师家庭中广泛流传。

  In the revised story, the Hopping Pot protects an innocent wizard from his torch-bearing, pitchfork- toting neighbors by chasing them away from the wizard's cottage, catching them and swallowing them whole. 在改编后的故事里,跳跳埚保护一个无辜的巫师,把那些举着火把、拿着草耙的邻居从巫师的屋子周围赶走,并且抓住他们,连头带脚地囫囵吞下。
  At the end of the story, by which time the Pot has consumed most of his neighbours, the wizard gains a promise from the few remaining villagers that he will be left in peace to practise magic. 故事的最后,坩埚已经把巫师的大部分邻居都吃掉了,仅存的那些村民保证,以后再也不打扰巫师练习魔法。
  In return, he instructs the Pot to render up its victims, who are duly burped out of its depths, slightly mangled. 作为回报,巫师吩咐坩埚交出那些受害者,于是坩埚打着嗝儿把他们都吐了出来,那些人都有点不成人形了。
  To this day, some wizarding children are only told the revised version of the story by their (generally anti- Muggle) parents, and the original, if and when they ever read it, comes as a great surprise. 直到今天,有些巫师家庭的孩子仍然只听过他们的父母(一般都是反麻瓜的)讲过的改编的故事,因此,当他们有机会读到原版的故事时,便会大吃一惊。
  As I have already hinted, however, its pro- Muggle sentiment was not the only reason that “The Wizard and the Hopping Pot” attracted anger. 不过,正如我已经暗示过的,《巫师和跳跳埚》里的亲麻瓜倾向,并不是它引起愤怒的唯一原因。
  As the witch-hunts grew ever fiercer, wizarding families began to live double lives, using charms of concealment to protect themselves and their families. 随着抓捕巫师的行为越来越残酷,巫师家庭开始过着一种双重生活,用隐藏咒来保护自己以及家人。
  By the seventeenth century, any witch or wizard who chose to fraternize with Muggles became suspect, even an outcast in his or her own community. 到了十七世纪,任何选择与麻瓜亲善的巫女或巫师都会被怀疑,甚至被自己的社团抛弃。
  Among the many insults hurled at pro-Muggle witches and wizards (such fruity epithets as “Mudwallower”, “Dunglicker” and “Scumsucker” date from this period) , was the charge of having weak or inferior magic. 许多侮辱性的言辞掷向亲麻瓜的武士(如流传至今的“泥巴虫”、“吃屎货”、“食渣鬼”之类的粗俗绰号),指责他们魔法微弱或低下。
  Influential wizards of the day, such as Brutus Malfoy, editor of Warlock at War, an anti-Muggle periodical, perpetuated the stereotype that a Muggle-lover was about as magical as a Squib. 当今一些很有影响的巫师,如反麻瓜杂志《战争中的巫师》(一本反麻瓜的期刊)的编辑布鲁图斯·马尔福,延续了一种成见:喜欢麻瓜的人在魔法上都是哑炮。