诗翁彼豆故事集 第10期:好运泉(5)(在线收听

 (Note 3: Professor Kettleburn survived no fewer than sixty-two periods of probation during his employment as Care of Magical Creatures teacher. (注释三:凯特尔伯恩教授在担任神奇动物保护课期间至少经历了62个课时的试用期。

His relations with my predecessor at Hogwarts, Professor Dippet, were always strained, Professor Dippet considering him to be somewhat reckless. 他和我霍格华兹的前辈狄劈教授关系很紧张,狄劈教授认为他很鲁莽。
By the time I became Headmaster, however, Professor Kettleburn had mellowed considerably, although there were always those who took the cynical view that with only one and a half of his original limbs remaining to him, he was forced to take life at a quieter pace. ) 但等到我担任校长的时候,凯特尔伯恩教授已经变得相当成熟了,尽管总有那么些人挖苦他仅剩的独臂和半条腿,以至于他只能安静平缓的生活。)
Headmaster Armando Dippet imposed a blanket ban on future pantomimes, a proud non-theatrical tradition that Hogwarts continues to this day. 校长阿曼多·迪佩特规定今后全面禁止哑剧演出,这样一个傲慢的非戏剧性的传统,霍格沃茨一直延续至今。
Our dramatic fiasco notwithstanding, 'The Fountain of Fair Fortune' is probably the most popular of Beedle's tales, although, just like 'The Wizard and the Hopping Pot', it has its detractors. 尽管我们的演出以惨败收场,但《好运泉》大概是彼豆故事里最受欢迎的一个故事,不过它像《巫 师和跳跳埚》一样,也遭到了一些人的诋毁。
More than one parent has demanded the removal of this particular tale from the Hogwarts library, including, by coincidence, a descendant of Brutus Malfoy and one-time member of the Hogwart? Board of Governors, Mr Lucius Malfoy. 不止一位家长要求把这个特别的故事从霍格沃茨图书馆清除出去,其中碰巧就有布鲁图斯·马尔福的一位后裔——卢修斯·马 尔福先生,他一度是霍格沃茨学校董事会的成员。
Mr Malfoy submitted his demand for a ban on the story in writing: Any work of fiction or non-fiction that depicts interbreeding between wizards and Muggles should be banned from the bookshelves of Hogwarts. 马尔福先生提交了要求取缔这个故事的书面申请:任何描绘巫师和麻瓜通婚的虚构或非虚构类作品,都应该禁止出现在霍格沃茨的书架上。
I do not wish my son to be influenced into sullying the purity of hi? bloodline by reading stories that promote wizard-Muggle marriage. 我不希望我的儿子因阅读这些宣传巫师和麻瓜通婚的故事而受到影响,玷污其血统的纯正。
My refusal to remove the book from the library was backed by a majority of the Board of Governors. 我拒绝把这本书从图书馆撤掉的决定得到了董事会大多数成员的支持。
I wrote back to Mr Malfoy, explaining my decision: 我给马尔福先生写了一封回信,解释了我的决定:
So-called pure-blood families maintain their alleged purity disowning, banishing or lying about Muggles or Muggle-borns on their family trees. 所谓的纯血种家庭为维护他们所声称的血统的纯正,通过抵赖或说谎的方式,否认他们家庭里有麻瓜或麻瓜出身者。
They then attempt to foist their hypocrisy upon the rest of us by asking us to ban works dealing with the truths they deny. 他们还企图把他们的这种伪善强加给我们其他 人,要我们取缔那些说出他们所否认的真相的作品。
There is not a witch or wizard in existence whose blood has not mingled with that of Muggles, and I should therefore consider it both illogical and immoral to remove works dealing with the subject from our students' store of knowledge. 世界上任何一位巫女或巫师,其血管里都混杂着麻瓜的血液,因此我认为,把这一主题从我们学生的知识宝库中清除出去,是既不合理,也不道德的。
(Note 4: My response prompted several further letters from Mr Malfoy, but as they consisted mainly of opprobrious remarks on my sanity, parentage and hygiene, their relevance to this commentary is remote. ) (注释四:我的回应引发了马尔福先生的几次回信,但当他们发现我无理的评论源自于我的明智,血统和卫生学知识时,他们对此的评论慢慢平息了。)
This exchange marked the beginning of Mr Malfoy's long campaign to have me removed from my post as Headmaster of Hogwarts, and of mine to have him removed from his position as Lord Voldemort's Favourite Death Eater. 这次交流,标志着马尔福先生长期致力于把我从霍格沃茨校长的位置上拉下来的开始,也标志着我决定了把他从伏地魔最得力的食死徒的位置上拉下来。