听歌学英语:不动声色 Smooth(在线收听

Man it's a hot one.天,性感尤物啊/天,真是让人酷热难挡。
Like seven inches from the midday sun.就像站在正午烈日下七英寸远的地方。
I hear you whisper and the words melt everyone.听到你轻声细语,如此撩人。
But you stay so cool.但你却若无其事/淡漠。
My mu-equita,my Spanish harlem Monalisa.我的穆尔奇塔,我的西班牙黑珍珠蒙娜丽莎。
You are my reason for reason.你是我生存的理由。
The step in my groove.是我(一生中的)最佳阶段。

And if you say this life ain't good enough.如果你说这样的生活不够好。
I would give my world to lift you up.我会贡献出我的世界以使你满足。
I could change my life to better suit your mood.我会改变自己的生活以适应你的心情。
Cause you're so smooth.因为你是如此的平静(光滑/不动声色)。

And just like the ocean under the moon.就像月光下的海洋。
Well that's the same emotion that I get from you.那种心绪就如同你给我的感觉一般。
You got the kind of lovin' that can be so smooth.你的爱如此润滑/光滑/不动声色。
Gimme your heart,make it real.给我你的心,给我力量(让梦想成真吧)。
Or else forget about it.否则就忘了吧。

I'll tell you one thing.我要告诉你一件事
If you would leave it would be a crying shame.如果你离去将会是让人无法承受的痛/我会受不了。
And every breath and every word I hear your name calling me out.每一次呼吸,每一句话语都唤起了我(对你的回忆)。
From the barrio,U hear my rhythm from your radio.在西班牙地区以外的地方,你也会从电台里听到我的旋律。
You feel the turning of the world so soft and slow.你就会感到这世界转动得如此地温柔与舒缓。
Turning you round and round.带着你转啊转着。

And if you say this life ain't good enough.如果你说这样的生活不够好,
I would give my world to lift you up.我会牺牲出我的世界以满足你。
I could change my life to better suit your mood.我会改变自己的生活以适应你的心情。
Cause you're so smooth.因为你是如此地平静(圆滑/不动声色)。
And just like the ocean under the moon.就象月光下的海洋。
Well that's the same emotion that I get from you.那种心绪就如同你给我的感觉一般。
You got the kind of lovin' that can be so smooth.你能给人一种平静的爱。
Gimme your heart. Make it real.给我你的爱,就此实现吧。
Or else forget about it.否则就忘了吧。

Cause you're so smooth.因为你是如此的平静(圆滑)/不动声色。
And just like the ocean under the moon.就象月光下的海洋。
Well that's the same emotion that I get from you.那种心绪就如同你给我的感觉一般。
You got the kind of lovin' that can be so smooth.你能给人一种不动声色的爱。
Gimme your heart,make it real.给我你的爱,让它变成现实吧。
Or else forget about it.否则就忘了吧。

Man it's a hot one.天,性感尤物啊/天,真是让人酷热难挡
hot:adj 非常溫暖, 熱的;溫度高的, 辛辣的, (食品)辛辣的,辣的, 引起爭論的, (話題)熱門的;有爭議的, 令人興奮的, 新的;激動人心的

This hot weather disagrees with his heart disease. 这种炎热天气对他的心脏病不利。
Global warming has become a very hot issue.全球氣候暖化已成為一個熱門話題。
She is Hollywood's hottest new actress她是好萊塢新近最紅的女演員
I'm not too hot on Russian history.我對俄羅斯的歷史所知不多。(所知甚多的;技藝精湛的)
They're very hot on dress at work so she always looks very smart for the office.他們非常注重工作穿著,所以她上班的时候总是穿得很时髦/整洁。(非常注重...)
She's really hot!她很性感。(性感的;慾火中燒的)

hot temper 脾氣暴躁的,易怒的
Everybody disliked him because of his hot temper. 大家都嫌他脾气太急/因为他的急躁脾气,大家都不喜欢他。
He has one problem -- a hot temper. 他有一个问题,那就是脾气太急燥。

too hot to handle 太棘手,難以應付
For many politicians, abortion is an issue that's too hot to handle.對於很多政治家來說,墮胎是個太過棘手的問題。

in hot water有麻烦;陷于困境
He found himself in hot water over his comments about immigration.他發現自己針對移民事務發表的那些言論給自己惹上了麻煩

hot and heavy: 感情激烈的;
Your usual hot and heavy kisses are exciting, but it's nice to have a little variety now and then. 你通常的那种热烈的亲吻诚然是令人兴奋的,但是时不时的换一种方式也挺好的。(variety  n. 多样;种类;杂耍;变化,多样化)
