月亮和六便士 第十五章(5)(在线收听

   I have always been a little disconcerted by the passion women have for behaving beautifully at the death-bed of those they love.  女人们总是喜欢在她们所爱的人临终前表现得宽宏大量,她们的这种偏好叫我实在难以忍受。

  Sometimes it seems as if they grudge the longevity which postpones their chance of an effective scene. 有时候我甚至觉得她们不愿意男人寿命太长,就是怕把演出这幕好戏的机会拖得太晚。
  But now—now it's finished.  “但是现在——现在什么都完了。
  I'm as indifferent to him as if he were a stranger.  我对他就像对一个路人似的什么感情也没有了。
  I should like him to die miserable, poor, and starving, without a friend.  我真希望他死的时候贫困潦倒、饥寒交迫,一个亲人也不在身边。
  I hope he'll rot with some loathsome disease. I've done with him. 我真希望他染上恶疮,浑身腐烂。我同他的关系算完了。”
  I thought it as well then to say what Strickland had suggested. 我想我不妨趁这个时候把思特里克兰德的建议说出来。
  If you want to divorce him, he's quite willing to do whatever is necessary to make it possible. “如果你想同他离婚,他很愿意给你制造任何离婚所需要的口实。”
  Why should I give him his freedom? “为什么我要给他自由呢?”
  I don't think he wants it. He merely thought it might be more convenient to you. “我认为他不需要这种自由。他不过想这样做可能对你更方便一些。”
  Mrs. Strickland shrugged her shoulders impatiently.  思特里克兰德太太不耐烦地耸了耸肩膀。
  I think I was a little disappointed in her.  我觉得我对她有些失望。
  I expected then people to be more of a piece than I do now, and I was distressed to find so much vindictiveness in so charming a creature.  当时我还同今天不一样,总认为人的性格是单纯统一的;当我发现这样一个温柔可爱的女性报复心居然这么重的时候,我感到很丧气。
  I did not realise how motley are the qualities that go to make up a human being.  那时我还没认识到一个人的性格是极其复杂的。
  Now I am well aware that pettiness and grandeur, malice and charity, hatred and love, can find place side by side in the same human heart. 今天我已经认识到这一点了:卑鄙与伟大、恶毒与善良、仇恨与热爱是可以互不排斥地并存在同一颗心里的。
  I wondered if there was anything I could say that would ease the sense of bitter humiliation which at present tormented Mrs. Strickland. I thought I would try. 我不知道我能否说几句什么,减轻一些当时正在折磨着思特里克兰德太太的屈辱。我想我还是该试一试。