英语听书《海底两万里》第354期 第23章 珊瑚王国(51)(在线收听

 And who says it will circle Africa, professor? What's this talk about doubling the Cape of Good Hope? 教授谁告诉您,它要绕非洲一周呢?谁告诉您,它要经过好望角呢?

But unless the Nautilus navigates on dry land and crosses over the isthmus- 除非是它在陆地上行驶,和从地峡上面过去,那…
Or under it, Professor Aronnax. 或从底下穿过去,阿龙纳斯先生。
Under it? 从底下穿过去吗?
Surely, Captain Nemo replied serenely. Under that tongue of land, nature long ago made what man today is making on its surface. 当然,尼摩船长用很安静的语气回答,很久以来,人们在这舌形地面上所做的,大自然早就在它底下做了。
What! There's a passageway? 怎么!原来底下有条通路!
Yes, an underground passageway that I've named the Arabian Tunnel. It starts below Suez and leads to the Bay of Pelusium. 是的、底下有一条地道,我称它为阿拉伯海底地道。地道在苏伊士下面,通到北路斯海湾。
But isn't that isthmus only composed of quicksand? 那么,这地峡只是由松动的沙土形成的吗?
To a certain depth. But at merely fifty meters, one encounters a firm foundation of rock. 由沙上形成的部分达到某种深度。但是到了五十米以下,就有一层很坚固的不可动的岩石。
And it's by luck that you discovered this passageway? I asked, more and more startled. 您发现这地道是由于偶然的机会吗?我愈来愈惊奇地问。
Luck plus logic, professor, and logic even more than luck. 由于偶然的机会,同时也由于推理,教授,甚至推理的:多于偶然的成分。
Captain, I hear you, but I can't believe my ears. 船长,我心里虽然在听您讲,但我的耳朵却抗拒它听到的话。