英语听书《海底两万里》第371期 第24章 希腊群岛(6)(在线收听

 That's how we ended this conversation, which later was to have such serious consequences.  这次谈话谈到这里就结束了,后来发生很严重的后果。

At first, I must say, events seemed to confirm my forecasts, much to the Canadian's despair.  我现在要说,事实好像是证实了我的预见,弄得加拿大人很是失望。
Did Captain Nemo view us with distrust in these heavily traveled seas, or did he simply want to hide from the sight of those ships of every nation that plowed the Mediterranean? 是尼摩船长在这一带很多船只往来的海上不信任我们呢?还是他仅仅想躲开所有国家在这地中海行驶的无数船只呢?
I have no idea, but usually he stayed in midwater and well out from any coast.  我不知道。不过,船经常是在水底走,或距海岸很远的海面行驶;
Either the Nautilus surfaced only enough to let its pilothouse emerge, or it slipped away to the lower depths, although, between the Greek Islands and Asia Minor, we didn't find bottom even at 2,000 meters down. 或者诺第留斯号浮出来,只让领航人的笼间在水面,或者就潜到很深的水底下去。因为在希腊群岛和小亚细亚之间,我们找不到深两千米的海底。
Accordingly, I became aware of the isle of Karpathos, one of the Sporades Islands, only when Captain Nemo placed his finger over a spot on the world map and quoted me this verse from Virgil: 所以,我只能从维吉尔的诗句中认识斯波拉群岛之一,嘉巴托斯岛,这诗句是尼摩船长的手指放在平面地图上的一个点时给我念出来的:
Est in Carpathio Neptuni gurgite vates Caeruleus Proteus . . . 在嘉巴托斯上面住着海王涅豆尼的能预言的海神哥留列斯·蒲罗台……那么,您也可以随意把它减低吗?
It was indeed that bygone abode of Proteus, the old shepherd of King Neptune's flocks: an island located between Rhodes and Crete, which Greeks now call Karpathos, Italians Scarpanto. Through the lounge window I could see only its granite bedrock. 一阵硫磺质的水蒸气在水流中间升起,水流像火锅中的水一般沸腾。我把手放在一块玻璃上,但热得厉害,我赶快把手缩回来。