月亮和六便士 第二十三章(4)(在线收听

 He remained absurd, but the sincerity of his passion excited one's sympathy. 尽管他的举止还是那么滑稽,但他的感情的真挚却不由你不被感动。

I could understand how his wife must feel for him, and I was glad that her affection was so tender. 我可以理解他的妻子对他的反应,我很高兴她对他也非常温柔体贴。
If she had any sense of humour, it must amuse her that he should place her on a pedestal and worship her with such an honest idolatry, 如果她有幽默感的话,看到自己的丈夫这样把她放在宝座上,当作偶像般地顶礼膜拜,她一定也会觉得好笑的;
but even while she laughed she must have been pleased and touched. 但是尽管她会笑他,一定也会觉得得意,被他感动。
He was the constant lover, and though she grew old, losing her rounded lines and her fair comeliness, to him she would certainly never alter. 他是一个忠贞不渝的爱人,当她老了以后,当她失去了圆润的线条和秀丽的形体以后,她在他的眼睛里仍然会是个美人,美貌一点也不减当年。
To him she would always be the loveliest woman in the world. 对他说来,她永远是世界上最美丽的女人。
There was a pleasing grace in the orderliness of their lives. 他们的井然有序的生活安详娴雅,令人非常愉快。
They had but the studio, a bedroom, and a tiny kitchen. 他们住房只有一个画室,一间卧室和一个小厨房。
Mrs. Stroeve did all the housework herself; 所有家务事都是施特略夫太太自己做;
and while Dirk painted bad pictures, she went marketing, cooked the luncheon, sewed, occupied herself like a busy ant all the day; 在戴尔克埋头绘画的当儿,她就到市场上去买东西,做午饭,缝衣服,象勤快的蚂蚁一样终日忙碌着。
and in the evening sat in the studio, sewing again, while Dirk played music which I am sure was far beyond her comprehension. 吃过晚饭,她坐在画室里继续做针线活,而戴尔克则演奏一些我猜想她很难听懂的乐曲。
He played with taste, but with more feeling than was always justified, and into his music poured all his honest, sentimental, exuberant soul. 他的演奏有一定的艺术水平,但是常常带着过多的感情,他把自己的诚实的、多情的、充满活力的灵魂完全倾注到音乐里去了。
Their life in its own way was an idyl, and it managed to achieve a singular beauty. 他们的生活从某一方面看象是一曲牧歌,具有一种独特的美。
The absurdity that clung to everything connected with Dirk Stroeve  戴尔克·施特略夫的一言一行必然会表现出的荒诞滑稽
gave it a curious note, like an unresolved discord, but made it somehow more modern, more human;  都给予这首牧歌添上一个奇怪的调子,好象一个无法调整的不谐和音,
like a rough joke thrown into a serious scene, it heightened the poignancy which all beauty has. 但是这反而使这首乐曲更加现代化,更富于人情味,象是在严肃的场景中插入一个粗俗的打诨,更加激化了美所具备的犀利的性质。