月亮和六便士 第二十五章(5)(在线收听

 Oh, Dirk, I've never since we met asked you to do anything for me. “噢,戴尔克,自从咱们认识以后我还没有求你做过什么事呢。”

You know there's nothing in the world that I wouldn't do for you. “你自己也知道,只要你说一句话,天底下没有一件事我不肯为你做的。”
I beg you not to let Strickland come here. “我求你别叫思特里克兰德到这里来。
Anyone else you like. Bring a thief, a drunkard, any outcast off the streets, and I promise you I'll do everything I can for them gladly. 你叫谁来都成,不管是小偷,是醉鬼,还是街头的流浪汉,我敢保证,我都服侍他们,尽我的一切力量服侍他们。
But I beseech you not to bring Strickland here. But why? 但是我恳求你,千万别把思特里克兰德带回家里。”“可是为什么呀?”
I'm frightened of him. I don't know why, but there's something in him that terrifies me. “我怕他。我也不知道为什么,他这个人叫我怕得要死。
He'll do us some great harm. I know it. I feel it. 他会给我们带来祸害。我知道得非常清楚。我感觉得出来。
If you bring him here it can only end badly. 如果你把他招来,不会有好结局的。”
But how unreasonable! “你真是没有道理。”
No, no. I know I'm right. Something terrible will happen to us. “不,不,我知道我是对的。咱们家会发生可怕的事的。”
Because we do a good action? “为什么?因为咱们做了一件好事?”
She was panting now, and in her face was a terror which was inexplicable. 她的呼吸非常急促,脸上有一种无法解释的恐惧。
I do not know what she thought. 我不知道她想的是什么。
I felt that she was possessed by some shapeless dread which robbed her of all self-control. 我觉得她好象正被一种无形的恐怖紧紧抓住,完全失去控制自己的能力了。
As a rule she was so calm; her agitation now was amazing. 她一向总是沉着稳重,现在这种惊惧不安的样子着实令人吃惊。
Stroeve looked at her for a while with puzzled consternation. You are my wife; you are dearer to me than anyone in the world. 施特略夫带着困惑、惊愕的神情打量了她一会儿。“你是我的妻子,对我说来,你比任何事物都宝贵。
No one shall come here without your entire consent. 如果你没有完全同意谁也不会到咱们家来。”
She closed her eyes for a moment, and I thought she was going to faint.  她闭了一会儿眼睛,我以为她或许要晕过去了。