月亮和六便士 第三十章(3)(在线收听

 She ceased to be a woman, complex, kind and petulant, considerate and thoughtless; she was a Maenad. She was desire. 她不再是一个女性了,不再是一个性格复杂的女性——既善良又乖戾,既谨慎又轻率;她成了迈那德(希腊神话中酒神的女祭司),成了欲念的化身。

But perhaps this is very fanciful; and it may be that she was merely bored with her husband and went to Strickland out of a callous curiosity. 但是也许这都是我的臆测;可能她不过对自己的丈夫感到厌倦,只是出于好奇心(并无任何热情在内)才去我的思特里克兰德。
She may have had no particular feeling for him, 可能她对他并没有特殊的感情,
but succumbed to his wish from propinquity or idleness, to find then that she was powerless in a snare of her own contriving. 她之屈从于思特里克兰德的欲念只是由于两人日夜厮守、由于她厌烦无聊,而一旦同他接近以后,却发现陷入了自己编织的罗网里。
How did I know what were the thoughts and emotions behind that placid brow and those cool gray eyes? 在她那平静的前额和冷冷的灰色的眼睛后面隐匿着什么思想和感情,我怎能知道呢?
But if one could be certain of nothing in dealing with creatures so incalculable as human beings, 然而,尽管在探讨象人这样无从捉摸的生物时,我们什么也不敢肯定,
there were explanations of Blanche Stroeve's behaviour which were at all events plausible. 但对于勃朗什·施特略夫的行为还有一些解释是完全说得通的。
On the other hand, I did not understand Strickland at all. 另一方面,我对思特里克兰德却一点也不了解。
I racked my brain, but could in no way account for an action so contrary to my conception of him. 他这次的行为与我平日对他的理解格格不入,我苦苦思索,无论如何也无法解释。
It was not strange that he should so heartlessly have betrayed his friends' confidence, 他毫无心肝地辜负了朋友对他的信任,为了自己一时兴之所至,
nor that he hesitated not at all to gratify a whim at the cost of another's misery. That was in his character. 给别人带来莫大的痛苦,这都不足为奇,因为这都是他性格的一部分。
He was a man without any conception of gratitude. He had no compassion. 他既不知感恩,也毫无怜悯心肠。
The emotions common to most of us simply did not exist in him, 我们大多数人所共有的那些感情在他身上都不存在;
and it was as absurd to blame him for not feeling them as for blaming the tiger because he is fierce and cruel. 如果责备他没有这些感情,就象责备老虎凶暴残忍一样荒谬。
But it was the whim I could not understand. I could not believe that Strickland had fallen in love with Blanche Stroeve. 我所不能解释的是为什么他突然动了施特略夫的念头。我不能相信思特里克兰德会爱上了勃朗什·施特略夫。
I did not believe him capable of love. 我根本不相信这个人会爱上一个人。
That is an emotion in which tenderness is an essential part, but Strickland had no tenderness either for himself or for others; 在爱这种感情中主要成分是温柔,但思特里克兰德却不论对自己或对别人都不懂得温柔。