月亮和六便士 第五十六章(3)(在线收听

 "Mon Dieu, this is genius." “上帝啊,这是天才。”

The words were wrung from him, and he did not know he had spoken. 这句话脱口而出,只是说出来以后他才意识到自己是在下了一个评语。
Then his eyes fell on the bed of mats in the corner, 后来他的眼睛落在墙角的一张草席上,
and he went up, and he saw the dreadful, mutilated, ghastly object which had been Strickland. 他走过去,看到了一个肢体残缺、让人不敢正眼看的可怕的东西,那是思特里克兰德。
He was dead. 他已经死了。
Dr. Coutras made an effort of will and bent over that battered horror. 库特拉斯医生运用了极大的意志力,俯身看了看这具可怕的尸骸。
Then he started violently, and terror blazed in his heart, for he felt that someone was behind him. 他突然吓得跳起来,一颗心差点儿跳到嗓子眼儿上;因为他感到身后边有什么东西。
It was Ata. 回头一看,原来是爱塔。
He had not heard her get up. 不知道什么时候,爱塔已经站起来,
She was standing at his elbow, looking at what he looked at. 走到他胳臂肘旁边,同他一起俯视着地上的死人。
"Good Heavens, my nerves are all distraught," he said. "You nearly frightened me out of my wits." “老天爷,我的神经一定出了毛病了,”他说,“你可把我吓坏了。”
He looked again at the poor dead thing that had been man, and then he started back in dismay. 这个一度曾是活生生的人,现在已经气息全无了;库特拉斯又看了看,便心情沉郁地掉头走开。
"But he was blind." “他的眼睛已经瞎了啊。”
"Yes; he had been blind for nearly a year." “是的,他已经瞎了快一年了。”