英语听书《海底两万里》第418期 第25章 地中海四十八小时(45)(在线收听

 While grazing these rocky slopes lost under the waters, I still spotted some seashells, tube worms, lively annelid worms from the genus Spirorbis, and certain starfish specimens. 在掠过那些敞在水底下的岩石斜坡的时候,我仍然看到~些介铪类、蛇虫类、活的刺虫类,以及某种海星。

But soon these last representatives of animal life vanished, and three vertical leagues down, the Nautilus passed below the limits of underwater existence just as an air balloon rises above the breathable zones in the sky.  但不入,动物生活的这些最后代表也不见了,在三里下了面,诺第留斯号就超过了海底生物可以生存的界限了,像气球上升到不可以呼吸的空气外层那样。
We reached a depth of 16,000 meters-- four vertical leagues--and by then the Nautilus's plating was tolerating a pressure of 1,600 atmospheres, in other words, 1,600 kilograms per each square centimeter on its surface! 我们到了一万六千米,四里的深度,诺第留斯号身上这时是顶着一千六百大气压的压力,即它身上每平方厘米顶着一千六百公斤的重量。
What an experience! I exclaimed. Traveling these deep regions where no man has ever ventured before! Look, captain!  多么新奇的地方!我喊道,走进这人类从没有到过的最深处来!
Look at these magnificent rocks, these uninhabited caves, these last global haunts where life is no longer possible!  船长,请看那些宏伟的岩石,那些没有居民的岩洞,那些地球的最深收容所,不可能有生命存在的地方
What unheard-of scenery, and why are we reduced to preserving it only as a memory? 这是从没有人知道的壮丽凤景,为什么我们只能把它们保存在记忆中呢?
Would you like, Captain Nemo asked me, to bring back more than just a memory? 教授,尼摩船长问我,您想得出比仅仅放在记忆中更高明的办法吗?
What do you mean? 您这话的意思是什么呢?
I mean that nothing could be easier than taking a photograph of this underwater region! 我的意思是说,在这海底深处,拍照是再没有更容易的了!