听歌学英语:不会是我 It Ain't Me(在线收听

I had a dream我曾梦到
We were sipping whisky neat我们啜饮香醇的威士忌
Highest floor, the bowery高楼,酒街
And I was high enough我已飘飘欲 仙/我已经醉了
Somewhere along the line在途中的某个地方
We stopped seeing eye to eye我们突然不再看对方
You were staying out all night你整夜在外逍遥
And I had enough我已经受够了

No, I don't wanna know where you've been or where you're going不,我不在乎你在哪里,去了哪里
But I know I won't be home但我知道我不会回家
And you'll be on your own而你也将孤身一人
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?谁将带你冲破清晨的阴霾?
Who's gonna rock you when the sun won't let you sleep?谁将在日照三竿之时摇醒你?
Who's waking up to drive you home when you're drunk and all alone?谁会逼着自己起床把醉酒孤独的你送回家?
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?谁将带你冲破清晨的阴霾?
It ain't me不会是我
It ain't me定不是我
It ain't me不会是我
It ain't me定不是我
It ain't me绝不是我

I had a dream在梦里
We were back to seventeen回到了十七岁
Summer nights and the liberties夏夜狂欢,无拘无束
Never growing up青春永驻
I'll take with me the polaroids and the memories我会带上相片和回忆
But you know I'm gonna leave behind the worst of us但你知道我会离开那时最糟糕的我们

We were sipping whisky neat我们啜[chuò]饮香醇的威士忌
sip v /n 抿;小口喝
I tried to sip the tea but it was scalding( ['sk??ld??] , too hot). 我想抿一口茶,可是太烫了。
He sipped at the glass and then put it down... 他抿了一口杯中的酒,然后放了下来。
take a sip of something抿一口什么东西
She let go of Mona's hand and took a sip of her drink 她放开莫娜的手,抿了一口饮料。
He took one sip of the wine and spit it out. 他抿了一口酒,又吐了出来。

I won't be home.And you'll be on your own我不会回家,你也将孤身一人
on ones own: 独自;靠自己 (ones: my, your, her, his, its, their),严重口误
When push comes to shove (shove vt. 挤;强使;撞;猛推), you are on your own. 如果形势糟糕,你就只能靠自己了。
I would strongly advise against going out on your own. 我要极力奉劝你别单独外出。
If you can’t finish the work on your own, just call me. 如果你不能独立完成这工作,就给我打电话。

We were back to seventeen梦见回到了十七岁
Summer nights and the liberties夏夜狂欢,无拘无束
back to: 回到;后退到
People, show's over. Get back to work!好啦,没什么好看的啦,大家快回去工作。
I wish you would come back to Washington with us, but that's for you to decide 我希望你能和我们一起回华盛顿,但是这由你决定。
The alarm did go off but all I did was yawn, turn over and go back to sleep.闹钟确实响了,但我只是打了个哈欠,翻个身又接着睡着了。
扩展:way back 老早就;很久以前
We're friends from way back. 我们老早就是朋友了。
Me and Wade go way back. 我和韦德很早就认识了。
I heard about you all the way back in new york. 我在纽约的时候就听说你了。
liberties原型liberty ['l?b?ti] n. .
Don't confuse liberty with license. 不要把自由与放纵混为一谈。
She is loath to give up her hard-earned liberty 她不愿放弃好不容易得来的自由。(loath: [l??θ]adj. 勉强的;不情愿的)
Nature gave each individual the right to life, liberty, property, and nobody could take these away legitimately([li'd?itimitli]adv. 合理地;正当地;合法地).自然赋予每个个体以,生命权,自由权和财产权,没有人有权力剥夺这些东西
take the liberty of doing something冒昧做;擅自做...
May I take the liberty of asking your ladyship whether you left Mr. and Mrs. Collins well. 我是否可以冒昧请问夫人你一声,柯林斯夫妇都好吗?
She knew she was taking a big liberty in developing Mick's photos without his knowledge. 她知道没告诉米克就擅自冲洗他的照片是太过放肆了。
at liberty: 自由;随意;有空
There is no formal confirmation so far that he is at liberty. 目前还没有正式确认他已经获得人身自由。
I am afraid we are not at liberty to disclose that information 恐怕我们无权透露这一信息。( disclose [d?s'kloz] vt. 公开;揭露)
