英语听书《海底两万里》第467期 第28章 惊奇还是意外(9)(在线收听

 Such words from the lips of this emotionless Flemish boy showed that our enthusiasm was near the boiling point.  这样的语句从一个冷淡的佛兰蒙人口中说出来,表示我们是兴奋到了如何沸腾的程度。

But the Canadian didn't fail to throw his dram of cold water over us. 可是加拿大人乘机浇下一盆冷水。
The civilized world! he said, shaking his head.  “人居住的世界!”他摇摇头说,
Don't worry, Conseil my friend, we're never going back to that world! “你放心吧,康塞尔朋友。我们不能回去的了!”
By this point it was five o'clock in the morning.  那时是早晨五点。
Just then there was a collision in the Nautilus's bow.  这时候,诺第留斯号的前端发生一次冲撞。
I realized that its spur had just bumped a block of ice.  我明白那是它的冲角碰上了一大群冰。
It must have been a faulty maneuver because this underwater tunnel was obstructed by such blocks and didn't make for easy navigating.  这可能是由于一时驾驶不准,因为这条海底地道受冰群的堵塞,并不容易航行。
So I had assumed that Captain Nemo, in adjusting his course, would go around each obstacle or would hug the walls and follow the windings of the tunnel.  因此我想,尼摩船长是在改变路线,或绕过这些障碍物,或沿着地道的弯折处驶去。
In either case our forward motion wouldn't receive an absolute check.  总之,船的前进是不能完全被阻止的。
Nevertheless, contrary to my expectations, the Nautilus definitely began to move backward. 但是,完全出我意料之外,诺第留斯号显然是向后倒退而行了。
We're going astern? Conseil said. “我们倒回去吗?”康塞尔说。
Yes, I replied. Apparently the tunnel has no way out at this end. “是的,”我回答,“恐怕这一边,地道是没有出口了。”
And so...? “那么?…”
So, I said, our maneuvers are quite simple. “那么,”我说,“船行很简单。
We'll return in our tracks and go out the southern opening. That's all. 我们倒退回去,我们从南口出去就完了。”
As I spoke, I tried to sound more confident than I really felt.  我这样说是想表示我心里很安定,但实际上并不如此。
Meanwhile the Nautilus accelerated its backward movement, and running with propeller in reverse, it swept us along at great speed. 这时诺第留斯号倒退着开行,速度愈来愈快,机轮倒着转,带着我们如飞而去。
This'll mean a delay, Ned said. “要耽搁时间了。”尼德·兰说。
What are a few hours more or less, so long as we get out. “早几个钟头,或晚几个钟头没关系。