英语听书《海底两万里》第508期 第31章 章鱼(15)(在线收听

 Captain Nemo gave a shout and leaped outside. We rushed after him. 尼摩船长大叫一声,往外面冲去。我们也急忙跟上他。 

What a scene!  多么惊心动魄的场面啊!
Seized by the tentacle and glued to its suckers, the unfortunate man was swinging in the air at the mercy of this enormous appendage. 那个不幸的水手被触须缠住,被吸盘吸住,被那只大爪子卷到空中任意地摔来摔去。
He gasped, he choked, he yelled: "Help! Help!" These words, pronounced in French, left me deeply stunned! 他喘息着,他透不过气,他叫喊着:“救救我!救救我!”这几句话,是用法语喊出来的,这让我感到震惊!
So I had a fellow countryman on board, perhaps several! 船上竟然有我的一个同胞,或许还有好几个!
I'll hear his harrowing plea the rest of my life! 这撕心裂肺的叫声,我将一生铭记!
The poor fellow was done for.  这个不幸的人快不行了。
Who could tear him from such a powerful grip? 有谁能把他从这么大的束缚中救出来呢?
Even so, Captain Nemo rushed at the devilfish and with a sweep of the ax hewed one more of its arms. 尼摩船长向这只章鱼冲过去,他斧子一挥,又把章鱼的另一条胳膊斩下来。
His chief officer struggled furiously with other monsters crawling up the Nautilus's sides. 大副怒火冲天地跟另一只攀上船侧的怪物搏斗。
The crew battled with flailing axes. 船员们挥舞着斧子。
The Canadian, Conseil, and I sank our weapons into these fleshy masses. 我、加拿大人和康塞尔,我们也把我们的武器插进这些肉堆里。
An intense, musky odor filled the air. It was horrible. 空气中弥漫着一阵浓浓的麝香味。真是可怕极了!
For an instant I thought the poor man entwined by the devilfish might be torn loose from its powerful suction. 我想那个被章鱼缠住的不幸者应该可以摆脱这强大的束缚了。
Seven arms out of eight had been chopped off. Brandishing its victim like a feather, one lone tentacle was writhing in the air. 那只章鱼的八只爪子有七只被斩断了,只剩下那只把遇害者像一支笔那样抓住挥舞的爪子在空中扭动着。
But just as Captain Nemo and his chief officer rushed at it, 但当尼摩船长和大副向这只爪子冲过去的那一刻,
the animal shot off a spout of blackish liquid, secreted by a pouch located in its abdomen. 这只动物喷出了一柱从它的腹部内的一个液囊中分泌出来的墨黑的液体。
It blinded us. When this cloud had dispersed, the squid was gone, and so was my poor fellow countryman! 我们一下子都瞎了,什么也看不清了。当这团乌云消失时,章鱼不见了,我们不幸的同胞也跟着一起消失了!