英语听书《海底两万里》第516期 第32章 海湾暖流(6)(在线收听

 toadfish covered with a crosswise yellow band in the shape of a Greek t,  纹着一条条形如希腊字母t的黄绑带的两栖鱼;

swarms of little freckled gobies stippled with brown spots,  身上长着许多小褐点的小虾虎鱼;
lungfish with silver heads and yellow tails, various specimens of salmon, 头银白色,尾巴黄色的双翅鱼;各种各样的沙丁鱼;
mullet with slim figures and a softly glowing radiance that Lacépède dedicated to the memory of his wife,  身材修长,闪着柔光,被拉塞拜德视为终生伙伴的鲻鱼;
and finally the American cavalla, a handsome fish decorated by every honorary order, bedizened with their every ribbon, 最后是一种美丽的美洲高鳍石首鱼,这种鱼挂着所有的勋章和绶带,
frequenting the shores of this great nation where ribbons and orders are held in such low esteem. 经常出没在这个勋章和绶带并不太受重视的大国度的海岸边。
I might add that during the night,  我得补充说,在晚上,
the Gulf Stream's phosphorescent waters rivaled the electric glow of our beacon, especially in the stormy weather that frequently threatened us. 特别是暴风雨威胁着我们的时候,闪着粼光的海,湾暖流的水流和我们的探照灯相映交辉。
On May 8, while abreast of North Carolina, we were across from Cape Hatteras once more.  5月8日,我们还处在北部卡洛林岛的同一纬度上与哈特拉斯角相望。
There the Gulf Stream is seventy-five miles wide and 210 meters deep. 海湾暖流在那里的宽度是75海里,深度是210米。
The Nautilus continued to wander at random. “鹦鹉螺号”船只继续冒险前进。
Seemingly, all supervision had been jettisoned. 船上似乎失去了一切监督。
Under these conditions I admit that we could easily have gotten away. 我想在这种条件,逃跑是有可能成功的。
In fact, the populous shores offered ready refuge everywhere. 的确,有人居住的海滨到处都可以很容易地为我们提供藏身之所。
The sea was plowed continuously by the many steamers providing service between the Gulf of Mexico and New York or Boston, 再说,海面上不断交错来回着一些航行于纽约或波士顿和墨西哥湾之间的汽轮,
and it was crossed night and day by little schooners engaged in coastal trade over various points on the American shore. 日夜穿行着一些负责到美洲海岸各地巡逻的小双桅帆船。