乔布斯传 第419期:消灭兼容机(1)(在线收听

 Killing the Clones 消灭兼容机

One of the great debates about Apple was whether it should have licensed its operating system more aggressively 关于苹果的激烈争论之一,就是它是否应该更积极地把操作系统
to other computer makers, the way Microsoft licensed Windows. 授权给其他电脑厂商,就像微软授权Windows那样。
Wozniak had favored that approach from the beginning. 沃兹尼亚克从一开始就赞成这种做法。
"We had the most beautiful operating system," he said, “我们有最漂亮的操作系统,”他说,
"but to get it you had to buy our hardware at twice the price. That was a mistake. “但是要想拥有这个系统你必须花双倍的钱购买我们的硬件。那是个错误。
What we should have done was calculate an appropriate price to license the operating system." 我们本应做的,是计算一个合适的价格来授权这个操作系统。”
Alan Kay, the star of Xerox PARC who came to Apple as a fellow in 1984, 艾伦·凯是施乐PARC中心的明星,他1984年加入苹果,
also fought hard for licensing the Mac OS software. 也致力于实现Mac操作系统软件的开放授权。
"Software people are always multiplatform, because you want to run on everything," he recalled. “软件人员总是要在多平台上工作的,因为你想让软件在各种机器上运行。”他回忆说,
"And that was a huge battle, probably the largest battle I lost at Apple." “同时,那也是一场重大的战役,很可能也是我在苹果输掉的最大一场战役。”