英语听书《海底两万里》第526期 第33章 北纬47.24度, 西经17.28度(1)(在线收听

 Chapter 20 In Latitude 47 degrees 24' and Longitude 17 degrees 28' 第二十章 北纬47.24度,西经17.28度

In the aftermath of this storm, we were thrown back to the east. 风暴过后,我们已经被抛到了大西洋的东边。
Away went any hope of escaping to the landing places of New York or the St. Lawrence. 所有在纽约或圣—劳伦斯海岸上逃走的希望都破灭了。
In despair, poor Ned went into seclusion like Captain Nemo.  可怜的尼德垂头丧气地,变得像尼摩船长一样孤僻。
Conseil and I no longer left each other. 我和康塞尔,我们再也不分开。
As I said, the Nautilus veered to the east.  我说了,“鹦鹉螺号”船只偏离到东边去。
To be more accurate, I should have said to the northeast. 我应该更准确地说,是偏离到了东北边。
Sometimes on the surface of the waves, sometimes beneath them, the ship wandered for days amid these mists so feared by navigators. 几天来,在这片令航海家们进退两难的大雾中,“鹦鹉螺号”时而漂浮在水波上,时而行走在水波下。
These are caused chiefly by melting ice, which keeps the air extremely damp.  大雾的形成主要是因为冰雪融化,大气中的湿度很大。
How many ships have perished in these waterways as they tried to get directions from the hazy lights on the coast! 曾经有过多少船只在寻找海岸上模糊的航灯时,沉没在这片海区里!
How many casualties have been caused by these opaque mists! 而这片浓雾,曾经引起了多少海难!
How many collisions have occurred with these reefs, where the breaking surf is covered by the noise of the wind! 在这里,又曾经有过多少船只撞在了那风声掩盖了浪击礁石声的暗礁上!
How many vessels have rammed each other, despite their running lights, despite the warnings given by their bosun's pipes and alarm bells! 尽管有航标灯,船只之间有汽笛鸣叫,有警报声,但船与船之间仍然发生了多少次相撞!
So the floor of this sea had the appearance of a battlefield where every ship defeated by the ocean lay still, 因此,这一带海底展现着战场的一幕,那里还横躺着所有的海洋失败者。
some already old and encrusted, others newer and reflecting our beacon light on their ironwork and copper undersides. 有些已经陈旧腐烂;有些还是新的,它们的铁船具和铜船底反射着我们的探照灯光。