英语听书《海底两万里》第527期 第33章 北纬47.24度, 西经17.28度(2)(在线收听

 Among these vessels, how many went down with all hands, with their crews and hosts of immigrants, 在这些船只中,有多少是和它们的船员旅客和财物一起,

at these trouble spots so prominent in the statistics: Cape Race, St. Paul Island, the Strait of Belle Isle, the St. Lawrence estuary! 在统计表中标出来的危险地点,如拉斯角、圣一保罗岛、白令海峡和圣—劳伦斯河口等处葬身大海的!
And in only a few years, how many victims have been furnished to the obituary notices by the Royal Mail, Inman, and Montreal lines; 仅几年来,列进这本失事年谱的船只就有“皇家邮轮号”、“伊曼纳号”、“蒙特阿尔号”;
by vessels named the Solway, the Isis, the Paramatta, the Hungarian, the Canadian, the Anglo-Saxon, the Humboldt, and the United States, all run aground; “苏尔威号”、“伊斯号”、“巴拿马特号”、“匈牙利号”、“加拿大号”、“盎格鲁—撒克逊号”、“汉堡号”、“美利坚合众国号”,以上的船只全部是触礁沉没的;
by the Arctic and the Lyonnais, sunk in collisions; 而“北极号”、“里昂号”是被撞沉的;
by the President, the Pacific, and the City of Glasgow, lost for unknown reasons; “总统号”、“太平洋号”、“格拉斯城号”则失踪,原因不明;
in the midst of their gloomy rubble, the Nautilus navigated as if passing the dead in review! “鹦鹉螺号”航行在这些阴暗的残骸中,犹如在翻阅一本死亡画册!
By May 15 we were off the southern tip of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. 5月15日,我们到达了纽芬兰岛暗礁脉的最南端。
These banks are the result of marine sedimentation, an extensive accumulation of organic waste brought either from the equator by the Gulf Stream's current, 这条暗礁是海水冲积而成的,堆积着大堆有机体的残骸,这些残骸可能是海湾暖流从赤道带来的,
or from the North Pole by the countercurrent of cold water that skirts the American coast. 也可能是沿着美洲海岸的逆向北极寒流带来的,
Here, too, erratically drifting chunks collect from the ice breakup. 还堆积着一些由于雪崩而冲刷下来的岩石。
Here a huge boneyard forms from fish, mollusks, and zoophytes dying over it by the billions. 那里变成了一处亿万只死亡鱼类、软体动物或植虫动物的巨大的尸骸堆。