英语听书《海底两万里》第549期 第34章 大屠杀(10)(在线收听

 And when I compared this deep calm of the elements with all the fury seething inside the plating of this barely perceptible Nautilus, I shivered all over. 当我想着这海天交融的深沉的宁静,把它与微不足道的“鹦鹉螺号”船内的所有怒火相比时,我感到全身都在颤抖。

The vessel was two miles off.  那战舰始终与我们保持2海里的距离。
It drew nearer, always moving toward the phosphorescent glow that signaled the Nautilus's presence.  它一直朝着指示着“鹦鹉螺号” 船只方位的磷光靠近。
I saw its green and red running lights, plus the white lantern hanging from the large stay of its foremast.  我看到了它绿色和红色的方位灯,白色的信号灯悬挂在前桅帆的大支索上。
Hazy flickerings were reflected on its rigging and indicated that its furnaces were pushed to the limit.  一道模糊的反射光照在它的帆缆索具上,暴露出它已经火力过猛了
Showers of sparks and cinders of flaming coal escaped from its funnels, spangling the air with stars. 只见一串串燃烧着的煤渣火花,从烟囱里星星点点地喷在空气中。
I stood there until six o'clock in the morning, Captain Nemo never seeming to notice me.  我就这样呆到了早上 6 点,尼摩船长似乎没有看到我。
The vessel lay a mile and a half off, and with the first glimmers of daylight, it resumed its cannonade.  战舰离我们1.5海里时,随着天空出现的第一道曙光,它的炮轰又开始了。
The time couldn't be far away when the Nautilus would attack its adversary, “鹦鹉螺号”船,只攻击它的敌手的时刻应该不远了,
and my companions and I would leave forever this man I dared not judge. 我和我的同伴们,我们将永远离开这位我不敢评估的人。
I was about to go below to alert them, when the chief officer climbed onto the platform.  我正准备下去通知我的同伴,这时,大副走上了平台,
Several seamen were with him.  他身后跟着好几个水手。
Captain Nemo didn't see them, or didn't want to see them. 尼摩船长没有看见他们,或者说不想看他们。
They carried out certain procedures that, on the Nautilus, you could call "clearing the decks for action." 某些我们可以称之为 “鹦鹉螺号”的“战斗准备”的措施就绪了。
They were quite simple.  一切很简单,
The manropes that formed a handrail around the platform were lowered.  平台周围用作栏杆的线网被放下来,
Likewise the pilothouse and the beacon housing were withdrawn into the hull until they lay exactly flush with it.  同时,探照灯和领航员缩进船壳内,与船身保持同一水平。