英语听书《海底两万里》第552期 第34章 大屠杀(13)(在线收听

 An enormous mass was sinking beneath the waters, and the Nautilus, missing none of its death throes, was descending into the depths with it.  一个巨大的物体正往水里下沉,为了不错过看到它垂死的样子,“鹦鹉螺号”跟着它一起沉入深渊。

Ten meters away, I could see its gaping hull, into which water was rushing with a sound of thunder, then its double rows of cannons and railings. 在距我10米处,我看到了那被撞开的船壳,海水正雷鸣般地涌进去,很快淹没了两排加农炮和船舷。
Its deck was covered with dark, quivering shadows. 甲板上满是惊慌失措的黑影。
The water was rising.  海水淹了上去。
Those poor men leaped up into the shrouds, clung to the masts, writhed beneath the waters.  那些不幸的人们扑向船侧桅索,攀上桅樯,在水中挣扎。
It was a human anthill that an invading sea had caught by surprise! 这简直是一个受海水入侵惊吓的人类蚂蚁窝! 
Paralyzed, rigid with anguish, my hair standing on end, my eyes popping out of my head, short of breath, suffocating, speechless, I stared-- I too!  我恐慌得瘫痪,僵硬,头发竖起来,两眼圆瞪,呼吸急促,屏着气,说不出话来,我在看着这一切哪!
I was glued to the window by an irresistible allure! 一种不可抗拒的引力把我紧紧地吸在玻璃上!
The enormous vessel settled slowly. 庞大的战舰慢慢地向下沉。“
Following it down, the Nautilus kept watch on its every movement. 鹦鹉螺号”紧随其后,观察着它所有的动向。
Suddenly there was an eruption.  突然,爆炸发生了。
The air compressed inside the craft sent its decks flying, as if the powder stores had been ignited.  被压缩的空气把船只的甲板掀掉,船舱里好像起火了。