美国小学英语教材4:第55课 爱丽丝漫游丛林(5)(在线收听

   At last every man would have his load, and the long line would be ready. 最后每个人都带好行囊,长长的队列准备启程了。

  The leaders, rushing ahead, blew their horns, and the porters followed, with the loads on their heads. 领头人冲到前面吹动号角,搬运工们顶着货物跟在后面。
  The Bradleys used to march at the front of the procession, and Uncle Akeley at the end of it. 布雷利一家常走在队伍前面,埃克利叔叔走在队尾。
  Here he could take pictures without stopping the march, and could see that no loads were dropped. 这样他能一边走一边拍照,不用停止行进,同时能确保没有物品被扔掉。
  No porter ever stole anything, but sometimes one ran away and left his load in the path. 没有任何搬运工偷东西,但有时他们会跑掉,把他们的货物扔在路上。
  The sun would becoming up as the procession started, 当队伍出发时,太阳就出来了,
  and the white people would pull off their sweaters and throw them on some bundle. 白人们会脱下他们的毛衣,把它们扔到某个包裹上。
  Every hour it would grow hotter and hotter, till at noon the sun stood overhead, 天会越来越热,直到中午,太阳在上方直晒,
  and your shadow was a huddled little thing just under your feet, 你的影子在脚下挤成了一团小东西,
  like a black kitten trying to get out of the way. 像一只想要逃避的小黑猫。
  Then it would grow cooler and cooler till the sun dropped behind the mountains at six o'clock. 接下来,天会越来越凉,直到太阳在6点钟的时候落下山去。
  Usually Alice rode in a basket carried by two natives, with two others to change off. 爱丽丝通常坐在由两个土著人抬着的篮筐里,还有另外两个来替换着抬。
  She didn't like the basket, but she had to ride many a mile in it over the rough; steep ways. 她不喜欢篮筐,但她不得不坐着它经过许多英里崎岖陡峭的路。
  Often she would curl up in her basket and sleep like a kitten. 她常常蜷缩在篮筐里,像只小猫一样睡觉。
  Sometimes at a hill too steep for Alice to be carried in the basket, 有时山坡太陡了,抬不了爱丽丝,
  one of the boys would put her on his shoulders and carry her. 其中一个男孩就把她扛在肩上带她过去。
  The traveling Alice liked best was to ride on a little seat on the front of a bicycle ridden by one of the native boys. 在旅行中,爱丽丝最喜欢的是坐在一个土著男孩骑得自行车前面的一个小座位上。
  Think of bicycles in Africa! 想象一下非洲的自行车!
  Yet the party had brought six of them, 这群人买了六辆那样的自行车,
  for the paths between native villages have been made so smooth by bare feet that bicycles can often be ridden. 因为当地村庄的道路已经被人们的光脚板磨平了,所以自行车能在上面行驶。
  When the paths were too steep or rough or muddy after the rains began, 当路面太陡、高低不平、或雨后太泥泞时,
  the porters carried the bicycles on their heads, as they did not know how to wheel them. 搬运工们就把自行车顶在头上,因为他们不知道如何让它们用轮子行走。