英语四级听力-短对话 271(在线收听

 Section C Compound Dictation

Department stores are large retail stores selling many different kinds of merchandise arranged in separate departments. Such stores are found in nearly every important city in the world, and the large department stores often (36) ______ more than 100 separate departments. The two major (37) ______ of merchandise sold in department stores generally are clothes and home (38) ______ .
The organization of a modern department store is often (39) ______ because of the large number of goods and services provided. Typically, the operation of a store is conducted through five (40) ______ divisions. There is the merchandising division, which is (41) ______ for the buying and pricing of merchandise. Then there is the sales (42) ______ division, which controls advertising, display, public relations, and other related matters. Of course, there is the (43) ______ division, which supervises employment and the training and welfare of employees. Next, there is the (44) ____________________________________________________________________________ .
Finally, there is the finance and control division, which deals with accounting, customer credit, expense control, and other financial and budgetary matters. Within these five divisions are many subdivisions. (45) __________________________________________________________ . Nowadays, another kind of store that provides such service is a mall or a plaza. A mall is a group of stores built as a unit with on-site parking. (46) _______________________________________________________________ . Large malls may also contain such places as hotels, restaurants, libraries, banks, post offices, medical clinics, theaters, and parks.
Section C Compound Dictation
36. 答案:contain
解析:此处需要谓语动词。根据短文时态可知应用一般现在时,而该句主语为复数department stores,故此处用动词原型。
37. 答案:categories
解析:根据前面的two可知此处需要复数名词。category n. 种类。
38. 答案:furnishings
39. 答案:complex
40. 答案:principal
41. 答案:responsible
解析:此处需要可以与for搭配的形容词。词尾-ible不要写成-able。要记住哪些词尾是-able,哪些是-ible。be responsible for“对……负有责任”。
42. 答案:promotion
解析:此处需要能够影响sales的词。sales promotion“促销”。词尾含-tion的单词常考。
43. 答案:personnel
解析:根据语篇的话题和上下文可以预测用词的范畴,文中的五个divisions前面的空格都是指它们的职能,所以此处肯定不是近音词personal,此外注意有两个n。personal a. 个人的;personnel n. 人事部门。
44. 标准答案:operations division, responsible for customer and selling services, for deliveries, and for the receiving and maintenance of merchandise
听音关键:operations division, responsible, services, deliveries, merchandise
答案重构:the operations division is responsible for customer and selling services, for deliveries, and for the receiving and maintenance of goods
画龙点睛:长句第一遍听的时候要抓出其主要结构(operations division,responsible for A,B and C),第二遍注意记录部分实义词(services,deliveries,merchandise),第三遍要查漏补缺(虚词+customer and selling,receiving and maintenance),最后通读完善。难词如merchandise可改为goods,products。
45. 标准答案:The heads or managers of the five principal divisions are responsible to the general manager
听音关键:heads of divisions, responsible to the general manager
答案重构:The leaders of the five major divisions are responsible to the general manager
46. 标准答案:Some malls are enclosed so that people can shop comfortably in any kind of weather
听音关键:malls, enclosed, shop comfortably, any weather
答案重构:Some malls are enclosed for people to shop comfortably in any kind of weather
画龙点睛:此句中的enclosed有可能被误当天in closed甚至in clothes。这是往年考生犯过的一类错误,如:将entitle错当成了in title。