留美老师带你每日说英文 第936期:自然界的同类相食(在线收听

 While it may seem counterproductive for members of the same species to eat each other, cannibalism can promote the survival of the species as a whole by reducing competition, culling the weak, and bolstering the strong.

1.counterproductive 产生不良后果的
counterproductive (adj.) 产生不良后果的
counter (v.) 反对;反击
counterargument (n.) 用来反驳的论点
2.species 种类
species (n.) 种类
breed (n.) 品种
3.cannibalism 自相残杀
cannibalism (n.) 自相残杀
cannibal (n.) 同类相食的动物;食人者
4.cull 扑杀
cull (v.) 扑杀
eliminate (v.) 消灭
5.bolster 支撑; 增强
bolster (v.) 支撑; 增强
boost (v.) 提高;增加
reinforce (v.) 增援