留美老师带你每日说英文 第944期:热情的胡志明市(在线收听

 Ho Chi Minh City has an irrepressible soul and an entrepreneurial energy that hums day and night. Despite almost a century of colonialism and brutal conflict, today this city is renowned for its warm hospitality, which even extends to former foes.

1.irrepressible 控制不住的
irrepressible (adj.) 控制不住的
repress (v.) 抑制;压制
2.entrepreneurial 企业家的;创业者的
entrepreneurial (adj.) 企业家的;创业者的
entrepreneur (n.) 企业家;事业创办者
entrepreneurship (n.) 企业
3.colonialism 殖民主义
colonialism (n.) 殖民主义
colony (n.) 殖民地
4.foe 敌人
foe (n.) 敌人
enemy (n.) 敌人
rival (n.) 竞争者;对手