美国小学英语教材3:第80课 神奇的园丁(2)(在线收听

 The boy was not happy until someone told him that the flower was not hurt, and that the little bird would die if it could not get food from flowers. 直到有人告诉他花朵没有受伤,而小鸟如果不从花朵中找吃的就会饿死,他才高兴起来。

As Luther Burbank grew older, he began to work very carefully with all kinds of plants. 路德·伯班克长大以后,他开始潜心研究各种植物。
Soon he found a way to make better and more beautiful plants. 很快他便发现了一种能种出更好更漂亮植物的方法。
Burbank took a part of one plant and joined it to a part of another. 伯班克从一种植物取出一部分嫁接到另一种植物上。
In this way he joined different fruit plants and different flower plants. 用这种方法它嫁接了不同的水果植物和不同的花类植物。
When the new plant was full-grown, its flower or its fruit was different from anything that had ever been seen before. 当新的植物完全长成的时候,它的花朵或果实就跟之前见到的东西完全不同了。
One of the fruits that Burbank grew in this way was made by joining the plum and the apricot plants.  用这种方法伯班克将李子和杏的植株接到一起,种出了一种新的水果。
Another was a wonderful plum that tasted like a pear. 它同样也种出了一种味道像梨子的神奇的李子。
Then Burbank learned that the finest fruits and vegetables and flowers come from the best plants and seeds. 后来伯班克了解到,最好的水果、蔬菜和花朵来自最好的植株和种子。
So he looked very carefully at many thousands of seeds and plants. 于是他非常仔细地观察了好几千种不同种类的种子和植株。
Then he planted only the best ones that he found. 他只栽种他发现的最好的种子和植株。
By doing this, he was able to change the color of flowers, to make sour berries sweet, and to make small vegetables grow much larger. 这样做他就能够改变花的颜色,让酸的果实变甜,让个小的蔬菜长得更大。
"I shall be happy if I can grow better fruits and vegetables and more beautiful flowers than have been grown before, " Luther Burbank said. 如果我能种出比过去更好的水果、蔬菜和更美丽的花朵,我会很高兴的,路德·伯班克说。
This great lover of growing things died in the year 1926. 这位十分喜爱种植的人于1926年去世了。
But his gardening still goes on, for he taught what he knew to many other people who liked to work with plants. 但是他的园艺技术仍然在延续,因为他把自己知道的东西教给了许多喜欢种植的人。
Because of this great gardener and his helpers, we now have oranges and grapes without seeds in them. 由于这位伟大的园丁以及他的帮手,我们现在有了无籽橘子和葡萄,
We have wonderful new kinds of fruits and vegetables. 有了奇妙的全新的水果和蔬菜品种。
And we have beautiful flowers that never grew in our gardens before. 也有了以前在我们花园里从未长出来的美丽花朵。