美国小学英语教材4:第59课 莫尼和他的山羊(2)(在线收听

 Sing, birds, on the high slopes; 鸟儿在高高的山坡上歌唱;

Sing where the fir trees grow. 在杉树丛生的地方歌唱。
Whenever you sing the sun comes out. 只要听到你的歌唱,太阳就会出现。
And the rain is sure to go. 雨儿定会离去。
Long days and a short night. 昼长夜短的时光
Come with the summer-time; 随着夏天一起到来;
And the berries are ripe upon the stem. 浆果在枝头成熟,
And the woods are sweet with thyme. 树林里散发出百里香的芬芳。
Nuts grow on the thick hedge; 当坚果长满浓密的树篱;
Autumn is on its way; 秋天就要到了;
And high on the crags the herbs are good; 高高的峭壁生良药,
Where the goats have gone to play. 那是山羊们玩耍的地方呦。
Moni kept on climbing until he reached a little green mountain meadow. 莫尼继续爬,直到到达山上一小块绿色的草地上。
In this spot he often stayed for hours at a time while his animals grazed quietly about him. 他经常在这里一待就是几个小时,这时,他的山羊们就在他的周围安静地吃草。
Sometimes Moni sat on a certain high rock, from which he could see far off through the valley. 有时莫尼坐到一块高高的岩石上,他从那里可以看到远离山谷的地方。
Today he took his little sack of bread and cheese from his back 这天,莫尼从背上取下一小袋面包和奶酪,
and laid it in a small hollow of the ground which he had long ago dug out. 把它放在他之前在地上挖好的一个小洞里。
Then he threw himself down on the fragrant grass among the yellow rock-roses and purple gentians and looked happily about him. 然后他在黄蔷薇和紫龙胆之间、充满芳香的草地上躺下来,高兴地看着四周。
The sky was now a deep blue. 此时天空是一片深蓝色的。
On all sides of Moni were the high mountains with their snow-covered peaks that seemed to reach to the very sky itself. 四周尽是高山,山顶上覆盖着白雪,似乎与天空相连。
Moni lay whistling joyously, while a pleasant mountain breeze cooled his warm face. 莫尼躺在那里欢快地吹着口哨,清凉的山风吹拂在他那热乎乎的小脸上。
If he stopped whistling for a moment, 只要他的口哨声一歇,
the birds took up the song even more gayly than he, as they flew off into the blue sky. 鸟儿们就会飞向蔚蓝的天空唱起歌来,甚至比他唱得更加欢快。
The goat boy was perfectly happy. 莫尼感到无比开心。
From time to time Meggie, the youngest kid, would come up and rub her little head on Moni's shoulder. 最小的山羊梅吉会时不时地走过来,用她的小脑袋在莫尼的肩膀上蹭两下。
Then she would give a loving bleat and go around to the other side of the boy and rub against him once more. 然后她亲切地咩咩叫几声,再转到男孩的另一边蹭几下。