每天三分钟学英语 第33期:英文"你…的样子"怎么说?(在线收听

 Claire: Oh, amazing! Honey, were you listening? Isn't he good?

Phil: Really good.
Claire: Yeah.
Phil: Really good. I I thought you didn't like the banjo.
Claire: I didn't think I did either, but there's just something about the way he plays. It's so It's so musical.
but there's just something about the way he plays. 但他弹琴时的那种样子,简直太有感觉了。
the way someone does something 某人做某事的样子/方式
The way you laugh reminds me of my sister. She also laughs like a hyena. 你笑起来的样子让我想起了我姐,她笑起来也像只鬣狗。
I hate the way Owen speaks. It’s so rude like he thinks he’s better than you. 我讨厌欧文说话的方式。太没礼貌了,就好像他觉得他比我们都强。