听歌学英语:每个人 Everybody(在线收听

We have fallen down again tonight我们今夜再次遭遇坎坷
In this world it's hard to get it right在这世上总是难于正途抉择
Trying to make your heart fit like a glove致力于追随心声
What it needs is love, love, love所需要的就是爱,爱,爱
Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱
Oh-oh oh Oh-oh oh
Everybody,everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱
Everybody,everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱
Oh-oh oh Oh-ohoh
Happy is the heart that still feels pain快乐是因为心仍能感受到痛苦
Darkness drains and light will come again阴霾散尽光芒会再现
Swing open your chest and let it in让这光芒洒进你张开的怀抱
Just let the love, love, love begin让这爱,爱,爱意苏醒
Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱
Oh-oh oh Oh-oh oh
Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱
Oh-oh oh Oh-oh oh
everybody knows the love你我都知晓爱情
Everybody holds the love每个人都拥有爱意
Everybody folds for love你我皆为爱情倾倒
Everybody feels the love每个人都能感受爱意
Everybody steals the love众生为爱争夺
Everybody heals with love众生为爱所愈
Just let the love, love love begin让这爱,爱,爱意苏醒
Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱
Oh-oh oh Oh-oh oh
Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱
Oh-oh oh Oh-oh oh
Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱(Oh everybody)
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱(Oh everybody)
Oh-oh oh Oh-oh oh(Just let the love, love love begin让这爱,爱,爱意苏醒)
Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱(Oh everybody)
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱(Oh everybody)
Oh-oh oh Oh-oh oh
We have fallen down again tonight我们今夜再次遭遇坎坷
fall down 跌倒;失败;倒塌;跪倒
The old lady fell down in the street and broke her leg.那位老太太在街上摔倒,腿断了。
They fell down before him.他们拜倒在他面前。
Your plan fell down when it proved too costly.你的计划是不切合实际的,因为它被证实耗资太大。

In this world it's hard to get it right在这世上做出正确的抉择总是很难
It's hard to do something做什么事情不容易
It's hard to get up early in the morning.要早起好辛苦;要早起真的很难做到。
It's hard not to think about what just happened.不去想发生的事情真的很难。
to get it right:处理得当;做得对;正确理解
There is something wrong with the radio, and I can't get it right. 这台收音机有点儿毛病,我总弄不好。

(You are)Trying to make your heart fit like a glove致力于追随心声
fit like a glove完全相合;完全相配;恰到好处
Most of my clothes fit like a glove.我的大多数衣服都很合身。

Everybody,everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱
Everybody,everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱
主动式want to do
被动式want to be done
WHAT IS LOVE? LOVE IS COMMITMENT 爱情是专注和投入 ([k?'m?tm?nt]n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身)
WHAT IS LOVE? LOVE IS COMPATIBILITY 爱情是适应/兼容/并存 ([k?m,p?t?'b?l?ti])

Everybody folds for love你我皆为爱情倾倒
fold: vt. 折叠;合拢;抱住;笼罩;彻底失败;使结束;使停止:
Make another fold and turn the ends together.再折一下,把末端对齐。
They folded the business after only two month and with great loss.他们开业才两个月,因巨大亏损而把生意给停了。
Fold the omelette in half 把煎蛋对折。

n. 折痕;信徒;羊栏;
The EU wanted to bring the US back into the fold
