每天三分钟学英语 第147期:英文"双12"怎么说(在线收听


A: That reminds me. When's the big shopping day in the US? 对了。美国的大型购物节是什么时候?
B: Oh, you're talking about Black Friday. That's the day after Thanksgiving. 喔,你说得是黑五,就是感恩节的后一天。
A: Yeah, I've seen videos of people lining up in front of stores. It looks crazy. 对。我看过大家在商店前面排队的视频,这太疯狂了。
B: It's a big day for the brick and mortar retailers. For online retailers, there's Cyber Monday. 对于实体店来说,这是他们的大日子。对于网上商店来说,他们的大日子是Cyber Monday.
A: That's like Singles Day here in China. Also December 12th and June 18th have huge online sales too. 这就跟中国的光棍节一样,还有双十二和6月18日。这些日子在网上购物都打折。
? the big shopping day 大型购物日
? Black Friday 黑色星期五
? Thanksgiving 感恩节
? Big day 大日子,很重要的一天
? brick and mortar 实体的
? Cyber Monday 网络周一
? Singles' Day 光棍节
? Double 11 双十一
? December 12th 十二月十二
? Double 12 Day 双十二
? June 18th 618