舌尖上的中国第1季 第13期:自然的馈赠-查干湖冬捕(3)(在线收听

 The breathtaking moment arrives.Under the icy surface, the fish net moves slowly. 惊人的一幕开始了。渔网在透明的冰面下缓缓地移动。

The scene indicates that the sunshine is moderate and the thickness of ice is proper. 能够看到冰下走网意味着光照正好冰层的厚度恰到好处。
But can it promise that fish are nearby? 但是这能够预示着鱼群就在附近吗?
Spring Festival is approaching.In tradition, there would be a sacrifice for the lake and fish. 快过年了。按老习俗当地要有一次祭湖祭鱼的活动。
Tourism and commercial operations make the ceremony more grand. 游客的需求和商业的参与让眼前的仪式变得更加隆重。
Shi will play a leading role in the performance. 石把头作为主要演员也要上台表演。
Though the ritual has been changed a lot Shi still prays piously to the lake god for a good harvest next year. 眼前的场面和老人记忆里的祭祀有很大差别,但他还是虔诚地祈求湖里的神仙恩赐来年的丰收。
Eight hours later, It's the time to pull out the net. 网在冰下走了8个小时,终于到了收网的时候。
Come out, fish! The entire load of fish has been extracted. 来货啦!水底的世界被整个地打捞了起来。
The lucky locals have received generous gifts from nature once again. 被上天厚爱的人群又一次获得了馈赠。
The moment arouses people's thoughts and feelings.The fishermen are excited at the big, fat fishes. 令人感慨的一幕发生了。大鱼们肥美的身躯刺激着所有人的神经。
But no one notices that there are no tiny fish weighing less than 2 kilos in the net. 但是没有人会注意到一个细节,拉上来的网中竟然没有一条小鱼,每条鱼的重量几乎都在两公斤以上。
Only Shi knows it's a strict rule among the fishermen that has been passed on for generations. 只有老把头知道,这正是查干湖渔民心口相传的严格规定。
Each mesh of the fish net is 20cm in diameter. 冬捕的渔网是6寸的网眼。
The specific design enables the net to only trap fish over 5 years old. 这样稀疏的网眼只能网到5年以上的大鱼。
The young fish are able to escape. 这样未成年的小鱼就被人为地漏掉了。
As the Gorlos Mongol saying goes, Always leave something for the next hunt. 郭尔罗斯蒙古族有一句话叫做猎杀不绝。
It's a sound principle. 讲的就是这个道理。