舌尖上的中国第1季 第19期:主食的故事-黄馍馍(1)(在线收听

 These diverse and delicate foods remind people of the women's nimble fingers and rich imagination. 这些花样众多的精致面食无不让人感到纤巧细手的灵动和聪明睿智的丰富想象。

When the women in the Ding Village are busy preparing a birthday feast, a fragrance of flour floats out from a cave house on the loess plateau. 当丁村的大妈们正忙着为一场寿宴精心制作花馍的时候,黄土高原上的窑洞里飘来了阵阵面香。
Huang Guosheng, a Suide native, just got a tray of yellow buns steamed. 绥德汉子老黄刚刚蒸好了满满一笼屉黄馑馑。
Processed by Huang, the glutinous millet becomes sweet and tasty. 古老的糜子经过老黄的加工变得十分香甜可口。
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,十一,十二,
Huang Guosheng From the lunar November on, he would ride 1.5 hours to the county town every three days to sell the buns. 黄国盛从农历十一月开始每隔3天他都要骑一个半小时的车到县城里去卖馑馑。
I'm 58. I need to work hard. Hello. I'm at Dengjialou. 58(岁)了。我要好好干。喂,到邓家楼了。
Suide County, Shaanxi Suide County sits in the hilly-gully areas in Northern Shaanxi. 绥德县位于陕北丘陵沟壑地区。
Today, minor cereals and wheat are the main ingredients on the table. 在今天的绥德,杂粮和小麦是餐桌上的主角。
Local people make them into diverse dishes. 他们被陕北人变换成各种花样。
Yellow steamed bun, Yellow steamed bun, Yellow steamed bun of Northern Shaanxi, Yellow steamed bun, I'm from Kangjiagou. 黄馍馍,黄馍馍,陕北的黄馍馍,黄馍馍,我亢家沟的。
No. 1 in Suide, My yellowed steamed buns are the best. 绥德的第一名,我做的(黄馍馍)最好吃。
Yellow steamed bun. One yuan.No problem! 黄馍馍一块(钱)。没麻唯(没问题)!
I've been selling yellow steamed buns for more than 7 years. 我卖黄馍馍都七八年了。
At first, my customers can get one free if they buy 10 buns. 起步那阵儿买十个送一个。
I could earn 0.5 yuan then. The buns taste good. I sold them out very quickly. 那时候挣五角钱。可好吃了。上去就卖完了。