舌尖上的中国第1季 第48期:时间的味道(5)(在线收听

 Nearly all the elders in Hong Kong can hardly resist the dainty flavour of Nan'an Cured Duck. 南安腊鸭是老一辈香港人几乎都会垂涎的美味。

Thanks to a fleshy aroma and crispy texture, it's a perfect material for cooking Taro Cured Duck Pot. 肥润甘香,骨脆肉嫩是制作荔芋腊鸭煲的上好食材。
In autumn and winter, Tian's shop looks like a cured meat Expo. 每到秋冬,阿添家的腊味店简直就是一座“腊味大观园”。
And the most famous product is their self-made sausages. 而这里最出名的要数店里自制的腊肠。
The production workshop was set up not far from the shop in the Hong Kong Island in order to facilitate quality management. 为了控制品质,老店的工厂一直设在离店铺不太远的香港岛内。
The whole production process still remains manual. 在工厂里制作腊肠依然延用传统的全手工制作。
Not until one year after produced, can the capsule of sausages be used. 制腊肠的肠衣要存放一年才能使用。
Rake is usually used to prick holes in the capsule already filled with meat to squeeze the air out. 灌成腊肠之后还要用钉耙刺破肠衣,挤走多余的空气,用水草绳和麻绳将灌肠分小段分扎。
Only the experienced workers can smoothly complete the process to bind the sausages with ropes. 只有经验丰富的老工人才能把这道工艺做得整齐美观。
Sausages used to be sun-dried before stored. 从前,腊肠制成后都要放在太阳下晒干然后储藏。
But the growing humidity has made it hard to dry them in a natural way. 现在,因为天气比以往潮湿腊肠难以自然干透。
So a baking process was introduced. 所以几乎全部都要在工厂里烘焙制作。
A week later, an appetizing smell has permeated the factory. 一周之后,迷人的咸香之味就会弥漫着整个工厂。
Despite a large variety of food from abroad available in Hong Kong, our preference for the cured meat remains. 香港有太多种类,各个国家的食物都可以在香港吃得到,但都会觉得有一份情谊在腊味上。
The workers are always busy. 工厂的师傅或是其他的同事都会很繁忙。
And in the lush summer, the work will be more arduous. 夏天是最热的时间那个时候就更加辛苦。
Young people don't like such hard work. 很多年轻人不愿做那么辛苦的工作。
The more attention you pay to your work, the greater sense of achievement you will get. 花多些心思认识一下你在做的事情就一定会从里面获得更大的成功感。
The concentration of my grandfather, my father and my uncle on the business encourages me to carry on. 我爷爷和爸爸以及大伯都有花心思在这个行业上,会让我更加有动力继续做下去。