舌尖上的中国第1季 第88期:五味的调和(10)(在线收听

 What Liu makes is coarse salt,a must-have ingredient for the average family in the area. 阿刘生产的是未经加工的大粒盐,这是粤东沿海人家厨房调味罐里的必备

Look, it's very well crystallized and transparent.Such salt from natural raw material is good. 它很晶莹,很透明这种盐,天然的盐,这种就比较好
Ye Qiaojian is a Hakka living in eastern Guangdong. 叶叔是粤东的客家人
He can make the most authentic roast chicken. 他制作的盐焗鸡是最传统的
His way of roasting can secure the best possible aroma for the chicken. 焗,是广东方言有"烤"的意思,这种烹调方法可以牢牢锁住食物的香味
You have to keep stirring the salt till it dries thoroughly. 这个盐要炒到水蒸气基本上没有了
Wrapped in a piece of paper and covered in coarse sea salt, the chicken is slowly roasted. 包好纱纸的鸡,埋在炒热的海盐中慢慢焗熟
The loose texture of the sea salt allows it to absorb the moist from the chicken. 大粒海盐疏松的结构能充分吸收鸡肉散发出来的水分
Now the chicken is having a nice aroma. 现在盐的香味已经出来了
It's the result of the heat and the salt as well. 这是温度与盐共同作用的结果
To serve the roast chicken,you can slice it up or keep it a whole. 吃盐焗鸡分手撕和切块两种
In Ye's opinion, to make the most out of the chicken's flavor,it is better to not slice it but eat it with hands. 叶叔认为,手撕这种客家人的传统吃法最能避免鸡肉纤维受到破坏
A handful of sea salt is enough to bring the best texture,flavor and aroma out of a chicken. 只消一把海盐就能使鸡肉变得紧致而富有弹性,同时也能把隐藏在鸡肉深处浓郁鲜美激发到极致
The roast chicken is a great invention by the Hakka people who has a troubled past. 盐焗鸡的美味归功于客家人这个特殊的族群以及他们特殊的历史