生活英语听力文章 第21期:带给别人快乐(1)(在线收听

 Hi!everybody, this is Tod Smith with Little Things Matter.The Title of today's lesson is 25 Unexpected Ways to Make Someone’s Day 大家好。我是托德·史密斯为您讲述“小事业重要”。今天课程的题目是25种意想不到的方法带给别人快乐

Do you remember the last time that you received an unexpected call, text or email, someone who intentionally said something complimentary to you? 你记得最近一次接到意想不到的电话、意外地收到短信或者邮件,或者某个人刻意地夸赞你吗?
How did it make you feel, did it break your mood? Did it bring a smile onto your face? What impression did this person make on you?  这让你感觉如何?是否让你的坏情绪烟消云散了?有没有让你的脸上带上一丝微笑?你对这个人的印象如何?
When I consider the different types of impressions we make on people, 细想一下我们留给人们的各种印象,
there are very few more powerful then when you do something unexpectedly to show people they are important to you. 恐怕你没有为你所在乎的人做过太多的出乎意料的具有正能量的事。
It could be a simple text message telling a friend how much you value the friendship 一个简单的信息就能告诉你的朋友,你很珍惜你们之间的友谊,
or a short email to a co-worker complimenting him or her on the way he or she handled a difficult situation at the office today. 或着当同事工作上遇到困难时时发一封简短的邮件问候一下。
When you take your time to surprise people with acts of kindness or love, 当你花一些时间用善良和关爱的举动去赞美别人时,
you will make them feel noticed, valued, and appreciated. You will bring a smile to their faces and joy to their hearts. 你会让他们觉得自己被关注、被重视、被欣赏了。
It will enhance their self-esteem and strengthen their self-confidence. It will renew their energy and put a bounce in their step. 你会带给他们快乐,让他们高兴。这将增强他们的自尊、增加他们的自信。
It will draw them closer to you and you to them and create an extraordinary bond in your relationship. 它会使他们精力充沛,给他们前进的步伐带去动力。它会使你们变得亲近,建立一份特殊的情谊。
You will benefit also because there is joy in unselfish acts when you give of yourself, your time, and your resources. 当你奉献你自己、你的时间和你的资源时你也会从中获益,你会因无私的行为而感到快乐。
Here are 25 unexpected things you can do to show people they are special in your eyes. 这里有25种意想不到的方法,能够表达你眼中的人们是特别的。
1. Do your children’s chores for the day. I did that today,my daughter wondered if I had fever and thought she should check my temperature. 1.某天做一下你孩子的家务。我今天这样做了,我女儿以为我发烧了,觉得应该给我测一下体温。
2. Drop a hand-written card in the mail to give someone an encouraging word. 2.给某人邮寄一张手写卡片鼓励他。
3. Give your spouse or significant other a gift on your next date night. 3.在下一次约会时给你伴侣或其他重要的人准备一份礼物。
4. Shovel snow for an older couple down the street. 4.为街边的一对老夫妻铲铲积雪。
5. Call a friend going through a difficult period to show your support. 5.给一位正在经历困难的朋友打个电话表达你对他的支持。
6. Send a client something special that made you think of him or her. 6.送客户一瓶珍品威士忌表达你对他或她的关心。
7. Send a gift basket or bouquet of flowers to the hotel room of a friend who is on a long road trip. 7.邮寄一个礼物篮或是一束鲜花到宾馆房间中给你正在长途旅行的朋友。
8. Invite a friend to dinner and plan an evening with his/her interest in mind. 8.邀请朋友共进晚餐让他或她有一个难忘的夜晚。
9. If you are a parent, plan a special day with your kids, but don’t tell them. 9.如果你是一个家长,为你的孩子们计划一个别具特色的一天,但不要告诉他们。