生活英语听力文章 第41期:学会握手(2)(在线收听

 Here are a few more questions to consider.When should you shake someone’s hand? 你还需要考虑几个问题。什么时候该和别人握手?

Every time I greet a male I shake his hand. Every time I meet a female who extends her hand to me, I shake it. 每次我和男性朋友打招呼都会主动握手,而每次和女性朋友见面都会等她先伸手。
This simple rule applies if it’s a Super bowl party or a business meeting. 这一简单原则在超级大派对和商务会议中都能用。
How firmly should you squeeze someone’s hand? 握多紧合适?
Well, you don’t want to feel like a limp noodle nor do you want to crack their knuckles. 好吧,你不会想像面条那样软绵绵的,也不会想要把对方的关节弄断。
The best description I can offer you is “comfortably firm.” This is true for both men and women. 我能给你的最好建议是“以舒适为上”,无论男女都一样。
In business, I have never heard of an occasion where either a male or female would consider a soft, wimpy handshake acceptable. 在生意中,我还从未听谁说过(无论男女)他们能接受柔软无力的握手。
How would you describe your handshake? 你觉得你的握手怎么样?
Firm? Aggressive? Wimpy? If you don’t know, shake the hand of a good friend and ask for feedback. 是坚定?咄咄逼人?还是软绵绵?如果你也不清楚,那就找个好朋友试试,并让他们评价一下。
As you shake people’s hands make sure you grip their entire hand and not just their fingers because you closed your hand prematurely. I hate it when that happens! 握手时确保握着对方整只手而不要因为过早收回手而只握到对方的手指。我很讨厌那样的行为!
When should you let go of your grip? 什么时候该放手?
The answer: You should let go, when they let go. I often encounter people who want to hold my hand for an extra few seconds as they greet me. 答案是:对方放手的时候你再放手。我经常遇到这样的人——他们向我打招呼握手时总想着多握几分钟。
So as long as they want to hold my hand, I hold theirs. 所以,只要他们不放手,那我也会一直握着。
Furthermore, you don’t want to hurry out of the handshake, 此外,你不会想早早就收回你的手,
as this will be an indication that you are not genuine in your greeting but rather just using the motion as a formality. 因为这表示你不是在真心打招呼,而只是为了走个形式。
One last question. Let’s see how you do on this one. 最后,看看你是怎么处理下面这种情况的:
If you extend your hand to people and they do not extend their hand in return, what should you do? 如果你向别人伸手,而对方没有回应,你该怎么办呢?
Should you retract your hand or hold your hand there until they accept it? 你该缩回手还是一直伸着等对方握手呢?
The answer: hold it there until they grasp your hand. Removing your hand conveys a lack of confidence. 答案是:一直伸着等对方握你的手。如果你收回手就会显得不自信。
Here’s my challenge to you. Beginning with the next person you meet, focus on making a positive impression of yourself through your handshake. 下面进入挑战阶段。从你接下来遇到的第一个人开始,专注于通过握手给对方留下一个好印象。
It may be a little uncomfortable or awkward at first, but like every lesson you are learning, the more you practice it, the better you will do. 一开始可能会有点不自在甚至尴尬,但这就像你学东西一样,熟能生巧。
If you will focus on doing the little things to make a positive impression on others, your value to the market will grow and your life will become more enjoyable and fulfilling. 如果你能通过关注细节留给别人好印象,你的市场价值会因此上升,你的生活也会更惬意,更有意义。