生活英语听力文章 第49期:复合效果(2)(在线收听

 Choices Darren said, “The difference between becoming fabulously rich, happy and healthy—or broke, depressed and unhealthy is the choices you make throughout your life.” 选择 Darren说:之间的区别变得极其富有,幸福和健康,或者在你的生活中沮丧和不健康的选择。

Our lives are a mirror image of the decisions we make each day. 我们的生命是一个每天做出的决定的镜像。
For example, the decision to make a healthy food choice, versus something we know is not healthy. 例如,决定一个健康食品的选择,和我们知道的东西是不健康的。
One of my all-time favorite quotes by Jim Rohn is “Success comes from making a series of good decisions over time while failure comes from making a series of poor decisions over time.” 我一直最喜欢的名言之一是Jim Rohn 的“成功来自一直一系列好的决策而失败来自于一系列糟糕的决策。”
If you want to improve your life, you must improve your decisions. 如果你想改善你的生活,你必须提高你的决策。
I believe the most important element in making good decisions is making conscious decisions. 我相信好的决策最重要的元素是有意识的决策。
This is when you actually consider the pros and cons of your decisions before making them. 这是当你真正考虑你的决定之前的利弊。
I am convinced most people float through life making decisions on the fly, with little if any thought, only to find themselves wondering why they aren’t happy, healthy, or successful. 我相信大多数人浮在生活中做出决定,很少如果任何思想,却发现自己想知道为什么他们不快乐,健康,或成功。
Behavior What stands between you and your goal is your behavior. 行为 你的行为站在你和你的目标之间。
Darren said, “If you say you are a dedicated professional, but yet you show up late and unprepared, your behavior rats you out every time.” Darren说,“如果你说你很专业,但你迟到和没有准备,你的行为每次把你出卖。
Do you need to stop doing things so the compound effect doesn’t take you in a downward spiral? 你需要停止做事,不复合效果才不会带你在一个恶性循环中,
Similarly, what do you need to start doing to change your trajectory so you are headed in the right direction? 同样,你需要开始做什么改变你的轨迹,这样你前进的方向是正确的吗?
Habits.We must establish the right habits—those that repeated over time take us in the right direction. 习惯。我们必须养成良好的习惯——通过不断重复这些习惯,我们才能保持正确的前进方向。
We must look at everything we do consistently and determine if it is a habit that moves us towards or against what we want to achieve. 我们要一直注意自己做的每件事,然后判断这种习惯能让我们实现目标还是南辕北辙,离目标越来越远。
We must create routines or systems of action that become beneficial habits over time. 我们做事时要形成一种习惯和体系并不断重复,它们就会变成对我们有益的好习惯。
Darren said, “A routine is something you do every day without fail, so that eventually, like brushing your teeth or putting on your seatbelt,you do it without conscious thought. 达伦曾说过:“习惯就是你每天都会做的事,而且不会间断,所以到最后你就会习惯成自然。
Just as investments compound over time, so do our daily actions. 例如每天刷牙和每次坐车系安全带一样。我们的日常生活行为就像长时间的投资复合一样。
If they are good they take us down one path. If they are bad or destructive, they take us down a completely different path.” 如果 是好习惯,我们就能循着它找到正确的方向;如果是坏习惯,我们就会被领向一条完全不同的路。”
The Compound Effect Darren defines the Compound Effect this way: “It’s the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices. 复合效果。达伦是这样定义复合效应的:复合效应是指从一系列微小而明智的选择中得到巨大回报的准则。
Success is earned in the moment to moment decisions that in themselves make no visible difference whatsoever, but the accumulated compounding effect is profound.” 成功是在一个一个决定中得来的。这些选择本身看起来并没有什么作用,但是它们 却有影响深远的复合效果。
If you want to save money so you can enjoy your retirement, consider the compounding effect of spending $4 a day on coffee. 如果你想省钱,所以你可以享受你的退休,考虑每天花4美元喝咖啡的复合效应。
If you choose to invest $4 a day at 8% interest rather than spending it on a cup of coffee it would result in $51,833.79 in 20 years. 如果你选择投资4美元一天8%的利息,而不是花费在一杯咖啡会导致20年来的纪录高位51833 .79美元。
The same result could also be reached by making your own lunches rather than eating out. Do both and you will have saved an extra $100,000. 同样的结果也可以达到通过做自己的午餐,而不是外出就餐。做这两个,你会省下一个额外的100000美元。