生活英语听力文章 第59期:回馈(2)(在线收听

 Now what does this look like for you? 这在你看来如何?

Helping others can look 1001 different ways.  你可以看到1001种不同的帮助别人的方式。
It can be shoveling snow for an elderly neighbor, filling up a friend’s car with gas that is suffering from a financial hardship  它可以是,为一位上了年纪的邻居铲雪,为一位正遭受经济困难的朋友的汽车加气,
or being one of the 63 million Americans who is part of an organized volunteer effort. 或是加入一个志愿者组织,成为6300万的美国志愿者中的一员。
I want to challenge you to look at how blessed you really are and consider how you can help others.  我想向你提出挑战,看看你真是多么的幸福,考虑一下如何帮助别人。
To open your mind to the possibilities, ask yourself these questions: 敞开你的心扉,试试帮助他人的可能性,问自己如下这些问题:
How can I best use my skills, talents and abilities to help others? 如何充分利用我的技能、天赋和能力帮助别人? 
Where does my greatest interest and passion lie and how can that best be used to serve others? 我最大的兴趣和热情在哪里?怎么充分运用这些,更好地为他人服务?
When I look at the needs in my community, what can I do to help? 当我看到社区的需要,我能做些什么来提供帮助吗? 
As I watch the news and see the desperate conditions in some of the third world nations, what can I offer those people? 当我看新闻,看到一些第三世界国家险恶的生活条件,我能提供什么帮助? 
Is my church putting together a mission trip? If so, would I be willing to use my vacation time to go and serve? 我的教会组织了任务旅行吗?如果是这样,我是否愿意用我的假期时间去提供服务?
Regardless of your interests, temperament or availability, a wide range of opportunities can be found, each offering its own benefits.  无关你的兴趣、气质或是否有空,你都可以找到广泛的机会可以帮助他人,每个机会都会提供益处。
Let me encourage you to stop focusing exclusively on your own needs and desires and start looking at what you can do to help others. 我鼓励你不要只关注自己的需求和欲望,开始看看你能做什么去帮助别人。
I bet you will find more joy and fulfillment when you change your focus from your selfish desires to using your gifts and resources to help others. 当你从自私的欲望中解脱出来,改变你的注意力,利用你的天赋和资源来帮助别人,我打赌,你会发现更多的快乐和成就感。
Parents, I want to once again remind you that what you do sets the example for your children. 父母们,我想再次提醒你们,你的所作所为为孩子们树立榜样。
As you give of yourself to help others, not only will you be setting the right example for your children, but also their respect for you will grow. 当你奉献自己,帮助别人,你不仅会为孩子树立正确的榜样,而且他们对你的尊重也会日益增长。
According to Carole Weisman, author of Raising Charitable Children, “Teaching your child to be charitable means he will grow up thinking of others.” 根据卡罗尔韦斯曼,《养育慈善的孩子》一书的作者,“教育你的孩子做慈善的事,意味着,你的孩子长大后会考虑别人。”
Please take five minutes of quiet time right now and consider how you can help. 现在请你安静,花五分钟的时间,考虑一下如何帮助他人。
When you help others, you not only make their world better, but you make yours better too. 当你帮助他人时,不仅使他们的世界变得更美好,而且也让你的世界更美好。