英语听书《海底两万里》第562期 第35章 尼摩船长的最后几句话(9)(在线收听

 I arrived at the corner door of the lounge. I opened it gently. 我走到了客厅的角形门前,然后轻轻地把它打开。

The lounge was plunged in profound darkness. 客厅笼罩着深深的黑暗,
Chords from the organ were reverberating faintly. Captain Nemo was there. 管风琴的和音微微地响着,尼摩船长就在那里。
He didn't see me. Even in broad daylight I doubt that he would have noticed me, so completely was he immersed in his trance. 但他没看见我,我甚至想,即使是灯火通明,他也会看不到我的,因为他全身心沉醉在他的乐章里。
I inched over the carpet, avoiding the tiniest bump whose noise might give me away. 我在地毯上缓缓地移动着,避免发生最小的碰撞,以免发出声响暴露我的存在。
It took me five minutes to reach the door at the far end, which led into the library. 我花了五分钟才走到客厅尽头那扇朝着图书室的门。
I was about to open it when a gasp from Captain Nemo nailed me to the spot.  当我正准备把它打开时,尼摩船长叹息了一声,我吓得定定地站住了。
I realized that he was standing up. 我知道船长站了起来,
I even got a glimpse of him because some rays of light from the library had filtered into the lounge. 图书室里的几缕光线渗到了客厅里,我甚至还模糊地看到了他。
He was coming toward me, arms crossed, silent, not walking but gliding like a ghost. 他双手交叉,静静地朝我走过来,说是走过来,不如说是像一个幽灵一样闪过来。
His chest was heaving, swelling with sobs. 他受压抑的胸膛由于抽泣而一起一伏。
And I heard him murmur these words, the last of his to reach my ears: 这时,我听到他喃喃地说了这几句话——最后几句震撼我的耳朵的话:
"O almighty God! Enough! Enough!"  “万能的上帝啊!够了!够了!”
Was it a vow of repentance that had just escaped from this man's conscience... ? 这难道就是从这个人的良心里迸发出来的忏悔吗?
Frantic, I rushed into the library.  我感到一阵晕眩,急忙冲进图书室里,
I climbed the central companionway, and going along the upper gangway, I arrived at the skiff.  攀上中央扶梯,沿着上面的通道,走到了小艇旁。
I went through the opening that had already given access to my two companions. 我从入口钻进了小艇,我的两个同伴已经进去了。
"Let's go, let's go!" I exclaimed. “走吧!走吧!”我喊道。
"Right away!" the Canadian replied. “马上走!”加拿大人回答。
First, Ned Land closed and bolted the opening cut into the Nautilus's sheet iron, using the monkey wrench he had with him.  “鹦鹉螺号”船身铁皮上的镂孔原先是关着的,尼德·兰带了一把扳手,把螺丝拧上,