生活英语听力文章 第121期:你需要为退休准备多少钱(2)(在线收听

 Let's take a look at putting together your plan 整合计划

If enjoying a comfortable retirement is important to you, you cannot procrastinate with your retirement planning. 如果退休后的生活质量对你很重要,你就要开始制定退休计划了。
You can't hope and pray that somehow everything will work out. The baby boomers who had this attitude will soon pay the price for their lack of planning. 婴儿潮时期出生的那批人如果指望事事顺利,他们不久就会尝到缺乏计划的苦头了。
The only bailout plan they can hope for is the guest bedroom at one of their children's homes. 他们唯一能指望的就只剩下子女的赡养了。
The quality of life you enjoy during your retirement years will largely be based on your decisions. 你的决定极大地影响着退休期间的生活质量。
Financial security comes from making a series of good financial decisions over time,while financial failure comes from making a series of poor financial decisions over time. 你的财政决策的好坏决定着你的财政安全与否。
Here are my suggestions: 下面是我的建议:
1. Make a commitment to yourself today that you are going to start making well-informed financial decisions. 1.今天起,对自己做一个承诺:开始仔细做财政决策。
This includes educating yourself, seeking wise counsel and proper planning. 这样的决策包括自学,寻求高明的建议以及正确计划。
2. Get started NOW. 2.事不宜迟。
According to Albert Einstein, "The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest." No more procrastinating. It's time to get started. 爱因斯坦说过:"宇宙中最强大的力量就是复利。"拒绝拖延,是时候开始了。
The sooner you do, the sooner your money will start working for you. 做得越早,钱就挣得越多。
3.Determine your current household budget. 3.决定当前的家庭预算。
If you aren't actively following a budget, its time to start taking responsibility for your finances. 如果你不喜欢按预算花钱,现在是时候该为自己的资产负责了。
4. Using an income calculator, get an idea as to the amount of money you will need to save each year to enjoy the lifestyle you desire during your retirement years. 4.使用收入计算器算出为了退休后能享受生活,现在需要每年存下多少钱。
5. Meet with a certified financial planner or financial advisor with a proven track record THIS MONTH who can help you through this planning process. 5.找一个合格的理财规划师或者理财顾问,确保他们有可靠的工作业绩。他们能协助你完成财务决策的过程。
(Ask someone you respect for a referral or search here.) There are numerous factors beyond those used in an income calculator that need to be taken into consideration. (请一个你敬重的人给你推荐或在这里搜索。)除了用收入计算机算出的那部分外,还有许多因素需要考虑。
6. Invest as much of the money you save into qualified retirement plans, such as a 401K, ROTH IRA, or SEP IRA. 6.尽可能多的把你的存款投入到退休计划中。
These types of plans will allow your investments to grow tax deferred, and with some plans you can invest pre-tax dollars. 例如,401退休福利计划,罗斯个人退休金账户或者简易雇员退休金计划。
As an example, I wrote a check this week for my 2010 SEP IRA. 这些计划可以让你延迟纳税,还能通过某些计划进行税前投资。
This investment is subtracted from my gross income and, therefore, I do not pay taxes on this money until it is withdrawn. (It's pre-tax dollars that grow tax deferred.) 比如说,本周我为我的简易雇员退休金计划写了张支票,这样的投资从我的总收入里扣,因而我把钱取出来之前是不用交税的。(这就是能延迟纳税的税前投资。)
If your company offers a matching 401K program I would highly suggest taking full advantage of it. 如果你的公司有统一的401退休福利计划,我强烈建议你充分利用好这一福利。
7. Don't make risky investments. 7.不做风险投资。
I have seen far too many people get greedy and lose all their money. 我见过太多因贪婪而得不偿失的人了。
If something sounds to good to be true, run from it. 如果某件事听起来好得令人难以置信,那么赶紧放开。
You are better off living a reduced quality of life during retirement than no quality of life. 就算退休后不再有那么好的生活也总比一点也不好的生活要强。
8. Step up your game. 8.提升你的水平。
Use this as motivation to become The Best of the Best at what you do. 把这当成一种动力,成为你所在行业的精英中的精英。
Move Up the Pay Scale and become a leader in your field of expertise. 提升工资,成为你所在领域的领头羊。
Increasing your income gives you the best opportunity to properly prepare for retirement while maintaining an optimal lifestyle today. 提高收入既让你当下能够拥有最理想的生活方式,也是你好好准备退休计划的最好契机。
Make 2011 the year you take control of your finances and start living a financial-responsible life. 如果你没有实现退休收入目标,我鼓励你开始规划未来,并掌控好2011年的财务。
And remember:Not planning for retirement is like living with a disease and not doing anything about it. 不为退休生活做计划就像身患疾病却又放任自流。
Eventually it will raise its ugly head; when it does, it will be too late. 总有一天,我们要为此付出代价,当那一天到来,一切都太晚了。