生活英语听力文章 第131期:25个保持婚姻新鲜感的秘密(3)(在线收听

 19. Give your spouse freedom. 给你的伴侣自由,

We give each other the freedom to do things that give us pleasure independently. 我们给彼此的自由独立做事,给我们快乐。
Of course, we don't take advantage of it, but giving your spouse the opportunity to do the things he or she enjoys is important. 当然,我们不滥用它,但是给你的配偶机会做他或她喜欢的事情是很重要的。
20. Stay out of debt. 远离债务,
Financial stress is the number one cause of divorce. 金融压力是造成离婚的原因之一。
Sit down together and create a budget that you will both stay committed to and don't allow yourselves to justify spending more money than you make. 一起坐下来创建一个预算,您都将保持承诺,不允许自己花更多的钱比你赚的多。
21. Continue growing as people. 继续成长。
We are both committed to learning, growing and achieving our personal best. 我们都致力于学习,成长和实现我们的个人最好成绩。
This includes growing as a spouse, parent and individual. 这包括成长为配偶、父母和独立的人。
As one of us gets better, it helps the other person get better, just as iron sharpens iron. 作为我们变得更好,它帮助别人变得更好,就像铁磨铁。
22. Love your spouse according to his or love language. 根据TA的爱的语言来爱你的伴侣,
Let me encourage you to read Joy's post titled, Loving People the Way They Need to be Loved. 读Joy发布的文章标题,爱人需要了解更多关于爱的语言的重要性的方式。
This is also available as a podcast you can listen to.  你还可以找到关于这篇文章的播客。
So just go to littlethingsmatter.com, and in the searching bar type in Loving People the Way They Need to be Loved to learn more about the significance of learning love languages. 你需要登录小事业重要网站,在搜索栏中输入用对方希望的方式爱他们,然后你就可以知道爱的语言的重要性了。
In a marriage, it's easy to take things for granted. 在婚姻中,很容易将事情视为理所当然。
Tell your spouse how much you appreciate the little things he or she does for you. 告诉你的爱人你有多欣赏他或她对你的小事情。
Cleaning the house, picking up the dry cleaning, walking the dog, doing the laundry, cooking dinner for the family, and fixing the leaky faucet are just a few examples. 打扫房子,干洗,遛狗,洗衣服,做饭的家庭,和修复漏水的水龙头只是几个例子。
Don't let one good deed go unnoticed. 不要让一个好事被忽视。
24. Be honest with each other. 对对方忠诚,
Once trust is lost, it is difficult to regain and this adage is especially true in marriage. 一旦诚信丢失,很难收回,这个箴言尤其在婚姻张正确,
Being honest also includes being honest with your feelings. 忠诚也包括忠诚于你自己的感受。
25. Don't holding grudges. 不记仇。
After you work through an issue, move on and don't harbor ill feelings. 解决一个问题后,继续前进,不要增加厌恶感。
We also strongly encourage you to not bring up past challenges.The past is the past. 我们也强烈建议您不提过去。过去是过去。
It's been years since either of us has brought up a negative issue from the past. 好多年没有我们从过去带来了负面的问题。
For those of you who are married, we want to encourage you to review this list with your spouse and discuss the steps you can both take to make to improve your marriage. 对于那些已婚的人,我们想要鼓励你与配偶看看这个列表和讨论你既可以采取的措施来提高你的婚姻质量。
If you are reading this post and you are not yet married, we strongly recommend pre-marital counseling. 如果你正在阅读这篇文章,你还没有结婚,我们强烈建议婚前咨询。
We suggested this to both of our married children and their spouses and they will readily tell you that it was valuable, enlightening, 我们建议我们的结婚的两个孩子和他们的配偶,他们会马上告诉你,这是有价值的的启发,
and set the foundation for the marriage they now enjoy. 他们现在享受的婚姻的基础。