生活英语听力文章 第150期:在聚会里脱颖而出(3)(在线收听

 8.Don't drink too much-While this seems like common sense, I have seen countless people make fools of themselves by over drinking at parties. 8.不要喝太多酒。这似乎是常识,但是我见过很多人在聚会上喝多闹笑话。

Make the decision in advance as to how many drinks you are going to have and then use your self-control to keep from having even one more. 提前决定好你要喝多少酒,然后在聚会上自我控制,不要多喝。
9.Include everyone when talking-When you are the one talking in a group setting, be sure to share eye contact with each person. 9.说话时顾及到每个人。当你在一群人中谈话时,保证和每个人进行眼神交流。
This action demonstrates that each person is important to you. 这表示每个人对于你来说都很重要。
It also communicates to them that you understand the importance of including them in the conversation. 这还能表明你知道使大家都参与谈话的重要性。
10.Don't leave anything behind-Last year we had a pie fight party and invited about 20 of our friends and family to join us. 10.不要遗落东西。去年我们举办了一次馅饼大战派对。我们邀请了20位亲朋好友。
After everyone left, we found all kinds of things lying around beach towels, goggles, shirts and even wet bathing suits. 大家离开之后,我们发现人们的毛巾、眼睛、衬衫甚至泳衣扔得到处都是。
Out of the 20 or so people who attended, at least a third of them forgot something. 在被邀请的20个人中至少有三成落下了东西。
When you leave someone's home, make sure to double check that you have everything you came with in the first place. 当你离开某人家时,你应该再三确认自己出门时带的东西是不是都带上了。
If you have additional ideas or thoughts that can help this cummity when going to parties or dinner engagements as I described, 如果你有什么关于参加聚会的建议,
please share your thoughts in the comments section below this post on littlethingsmatter.com. 请在评论区和我们分享吧。
I hope all of you have a special weekend with your friends and family. 我希望大家能和家人朋友度过一个特殊的周末。
And remember often times it's the simple acts of thoughtfulness that make a lasting impression. 经常,一些贴心的小事能留下持久的好印象。